Joyful Jaclyn

My thoughts

Social Studies


Dearest King George
My name is Jaclyn and I am not pleased about the quartering Act. I think it is unfair and unnecessary Here are my reasons.

I don’t think I have privacy because the british have the right to go any were into my house. Also I think it is unfair because the people living in greta Britain don’t have to house solders Also British solders require more food which means more taxes which means you are earning money for having british solders in the colonists houses.
You may be wondering if I pass this law where will all my solders sleep? Well with all the tax money you are making you can use the money to get necessary equipment If it pleases you oh king can you can you pleas make theses changes? I think you are a wonderful king and i am glad to be under your rule
Sincerely, Jaclyn

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