Joyful Jaclyn

My thoughts

Bridge Project Final Day


Today is our final day. We hope to finish, cross your fingers. 

Bridge Project day 5n


Today we are making supports. Hope it goes well.

Bridge Project Day 4


Today we are assembling are bridges. We are hoping it goes together well

Brige Project Day 3


Today we want to finish the arches and start assembling. We got lots of work down yesterday and hope to do well today.

Bridge Project Day 2


Today we are working on the arch and finishing the base. Hope it all goes well today. 

Bridge Project


Here is a picture of our first day constructing. We are working on the bases and it is going great, we hope to continue to work on the base today.

God At Work


Through out Paul’s life God was preparing him, he gave Paul the gift of many languages, they gift of being able to talk to people, and the gift of knowledge and how to tell people about Jesus. God gave Paul gifts, but he also gave me some gifts as well. God gave me the gift of music. I love to sing, and play piano and flute and I can really can use that gift to honor God. I have seen this gift used especially between worship team and Benjamin’s Hope. Weather it be singing or helping my Dad on stage, I can glorify God. Another gift I have is helping people. I love to help people, and it makes me sad when people aren’t feeling well of aren’t happy. I can use this job in my everyday life, weather it be just listening to the struggles of friends of other people around me, sponsoring children and going on mission trips. Donating to christian organizations or helping out at church.  Another gift that God gave me is the gift to work with kids. I love babysitting and helping and Sunday school and talking to little kids. I can use this gift now, to babysit, or help at church or give parents just a break.

Volcano project


For science class we had to make a volcano. We made our volcano out of wire and paper machè. We modeled are volcano to look like Mount Vesuvius in Pompeii. Our recreated volcano’s name is Mt. VOLCÀN. Our volcano explodes baking soda and vinegar. We split our volcano in half so then we could have half shoot out ash cinders and bombs, and half shoot out lava. This was a super fun project that was lots of fun.

Christian Persecution Paper


Christian Persecution

Uzbekistan is one of the many countries in the world that has persecution. Uzbekistan is one of only two double landlocked countries the other being Lichtenstein (meaning land locked by two or more landlocked countries.) The population of Uzbekistan is 30.24 million but only about 1,512,000 are Christians. The president is Shavkat Mirziyoyev who took office in September 2016. Christian have been persecution in the past and are still being persecuted in countries today, such as Uzbekistan; however their are things we can do to help these Christians.

Christian persecution has happened for many years, but it started with Emperor Nero of Rome. Nero became emperor when he was sixteen. His father died because his mother poisoned him because he wanted her son to become ruler, because of his tragic backstory, his ruler was filled with awful things. Nero began persecuting Christians in about 64 AD in the 10th year of his reign. Fire started in the part of the city. This fire went on for almost a week, burning 10 of the 14 districts many people died. While this was happening Nero watched from the roof of his palace singing songs. He blamed this fire on the Christians because some people believed that Nero started the fire. He had all the Christians thrown into prison. Christians were killed and killed because of this fire, when they didn’t even do anything wrong. Nero was a ruthless man and killed Christians in awful ways such as crucifixion. He had them torn to pieces by wild beasts by putting animal skins on them. He made them into torches at parties for his enjoyment.

He also sometimes ran chariots into them. He did everything he could think of to hurt them. Jesus wasn’t very big in Rome until Nero started persecuting Christians and he started to kill them the name of Jesus and the Christians was all over Rome Nero actually made more people hear about Jesus then trying to hurt them, he helped them. The Disciples were persecuted by others as well, not just the romans, 10 out of the 11 Disciples were martyred for the faith. Many were crucified, stoned, and killed just because they were Jesus followers. John was the only disciple that died of old age but he had been thrown into a pot of boiling oil, poisoned, and sentenced to an island to die (which is where he wrote the book of Revelation.) Persecution continued on for Christians and is still going on today.

Persecution is still happening to Christians today, in countries all around the world like Uzbekistan. In Uzbekistan 93% of the population is islamic, 3% is Catholic, and 4% is Orthodox. Most of the Christians in Uzbekistan are ethnic minorities which means their culture our religion is different from the people around them. In Uzbekistan they have a law that says they can’t have unregistered religious activities like church services and gatherings. In Uzbekistan it is unsafe to

be a Christian. Secret police tap phones and send in undercover spies just to get information on the church. Christians receive public beatings, raids, public humiliation, losing their jobs, and sometimes even torture if the say they are a Christian. Sometimes when christians are imprisoned, there sentences will be extended just because, no reason what so ever. In Uzbekistan all sorts of bad things are happening to Christians, bank accounts are being frozen and money illegally taken from couples accounts. If some has even a Bible in their home they will be thrown into jail for 5 days. Sadly, there are lots of stories about Christian persecution in Uzbekistan, here is one of them. Stanislav Kim was sentenced to two years of “corrective labor” after having Bibles and other books about Christians in his home. He has to live at home under restrictions and one ⅕ of his wages will go to the government. Since this was his second time breaking this law he was sentenced to corrective labor. Most of the time these Christian books and Bibles are destroyed by order of court. Christian Persecution is very evident in Uzbekistan.

Even though Christians are being persecuted there are things we can do to help them. People such as Jessie Urban (an Open Doors volunteer) help Christians that are being persecuted she said “Volunteering with Open Doors has given me valuable insights into the situations facing believers around the world. Editing weekly updates puts my finger on the pulse of the changing circumstances in various countries, which allows me to pray and raise awareness more effectively. I have learned about the various programs and campaigns Open Doors has initiated to meet the specific needs of believers in difficult situations around the world. Through the two volunteer trips I have taken with Open Doors, I have also been privileged to meet not only some of the courageous believers living in difficult circumstances, but also the in-country workers whose tireless, sacrificial care for the body of Christ has inspired me beyond words.” A way that we can remember the persecuted Christians is the Acronym P.E.A.C.E. Pray for the persecuted church, Encourage the persecuted church, Advocate for the persecuted believers, Care for the needs of those who are being persecuted, Educate ourselves and others about this widespread problem. We can help Christians in lots of ways, How will you help? Christian have been persecution in the past and are still being persecuted in countries today, such as Uzbekistan; however there are things we can do to help these Christians.

Christians have been persecuted since Jesus day, and are still being persecuted today. We need to remember people like Stanislav Kim who have been influenced by persecution. Even though persecution is happening, there are things that we can do to help, whether it be praying, encouraging or even volunteering in countries or for organization such as Open Doors and through people such as Jessie Urban. Persecution is very important and it is world-wide, God wants us to help the persecuted, how will you help?

Christian Persecution project


Noticias de El Salvador


Quien- Un hipopótamo, el nombre es Gustavo

Que- El hipopótamo murte en el Zoologico

Cuando- El 27 de Febrero

Donde- El Salvador Zoologico

Como- Los persones mal golpean cuchillos de el hipopótamo

Por Que- Los persones so muy enojado de el gobierno

Los Hospitals En El Salvador


La atención medica en El Salvador es muy mal. Muchas persones son enfermo por que los persones no tengo la dinero de van a el hospital y ven un enfermero. Los persones un el Salvador son mucho enfermo Porque Los chicos y chicas no reciben muchas inyección. Los bebes en el Estados Unidos reciben muchos inyecciones por muchos enfermedad. Los persones no tengo la medicina. Es muy difícil de recibir la cirugia porque es mucho dinero y los persones no tengo, es muy triste.


Spaghetti Project


For our project, we have to make a structure out of spaghetti, marshmallows, and masking tape. This structure has to withstand an earthquake and has to be able to hold up a egg. This egg symbolizes the people in our building, if the egg doesn’t fall, the people stay safe in our building. We had lots of things that went well. We had a really easy time building it and not much trouble, we didn’t have problems with it falling or anything breaking we also had good luck with triangles and cross braces. We had a really hard time  coming up with a plan and staying in budget. We had lots of good ideas, but we had a hard time pursuing them.

Los Deportes en El Salvador


En el Salvador los persones juegas muchos deportes. La deportes popular es Football. En football necesitar patear la pelota.


En el salvador personas juegas basketball. En basketball tiene un arbitro. En el juego necesitar tira la pelota en el red.

En el Salvador Los persones jueguen tenis. En el juega tiene un raqueta de tenis y un uniforme bonita.

En El Salvador los persones nadar. No tengo un casco o los guantes necesitar un traje de baño.

Pythagorean Theorem Project



For our experiment we made a zip line. We came up with the idea by thinking how tall something would be an how long in order to get the correct amount of something. We first thought we would make a fish blocker, but that wouldn’t really work. So than we came up with the idea of a zip line. It has a certain height and it has to end at a certain point and the hypotenuse is how much chord the zip line needs. This makes sense because the chord is longer than the start to finish. This also makes sense because it isn’t are perfect square so we would come out with a number with lots of decimals. Overall this was great project and we learned a lot about the pythagorean theorem.



Los Celebraciones de El Salvador



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En el salvador los personas celan Navidad. Es muy similar de el USA. Los personas celan Navidad en tus familias. Los chicos y chicas no escriben un carta de Santa Clause, los chicos escriben una carte de bebe Jesus. Los chicas y chicos abrir los regalo en la manana de Navidad.

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En el Salvador los persones celebren El fine de el ano. Los personas acuosamente tarde y los persones ven los fuegos artificiales


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Los persones celen Halloween en el salvador. Es un dia de los niños y niñas. Los persones decorar muchos y es un muy grande celebración.

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En el Salvador los personas celen el dia de padres. Es un dia de los padres de muchos familias. Los padres abren regalos. Los madres están cocinando  comida deliciosas por los padres.

Image result for day of kings in el salvador

El dia de rey es un fiesta tradición en el Salvador. Es un dia de recodo los rey’s. Los rey’s traigan regalos de bebe Jesus. No tengo los globos en esta festival. Los personas están cantando una canción para la dia.



Metaphor Writing


I am a Coral Reef

I am a Coral Reef. A coral reef is filled with so many different things. Like colors and plants and fun new personalities. I love to do different things that people enjoy to do. I Love people and socializing. A coral reef is rough if you rub up against. Sometimes my sins and flaws get in the way of me knowing people, and becoming their friends. A coral reef has tons of fish. The fish represent all of the important people in my life, such as teachers, classmates, and family members. A coral reef is planted in the sand. The sand is my firm foundation in christ.

I am like a coral reef because it is filled with so many colors and new things. If you picture a reef you think of purples, pinks, oranges, yellows, and greens and really any other color you could think of. The purple symbolizes me liking to bake and play soccer and do all sorts of different things because there are so many different shades and tones of purple. The pink is my fun girly side like hair and clothes and shoes and that sort of thing. The yellow is my fun personality and loving to be around people. The green is more my quiet side (which is very small) when I need to get a job done.

I am also like a coral reef because sometimes if you bump against the beautiful plants and structures you could end up with a bad cut. This ruff coral represents the and brokenness in life. If you get a cut, you go somewhere or to someone to get help. In my life I go to Jesus. He will mend my wound and make me feel all better. Like a mother to a child.

I am similar to a coral reef because it has so many different fish and animals living there. I love people and I love to socialize, I can really almost talk to anyone. Some of the fish are my friends and family. Others are my classmates and teachers at school and people at my church. They are in a “school” which is kind of where I see them, at different times and in different groups. In the sea, the school of fish ate and swished their tails in excitement. I see my teachers and classmates at school.  I see my friends on the weekends. I see my family when I go home, and sometimes at school and I see people from my church and youth group on Sundays and Wednesdays.

I am likes a coral reef because coral has a firm foundation. Weather it be in the sand or rock it has a firm foundation. I have a firm foundation in Jesus christ. He is my rock. The sand kind of represents people that have helped me in my faith like my parents and good friends.   

I am like a coral reef because I have many different “colored” personalities and hobbies. I have lots of people and friends in my life that are always there for me. I sometimes have cuts and scrapes from when I fall down and when Jesus picks me up. Finally I have a firm rock foundation in christ having the “sand” help me along the way.  

God Sightings


This weekend me and my family went to a Nature Preserve and I saw God all over. I saw him in all of the smiling facing that we saw along the way (one was Mr. Vandyke) Another place I saw God was in all of the trees and amazing colors that we saw because we took the mountain bike path.

Hoot Thematic Writing


The book I just finished reading is called Hoot. This book has a lot of great lessons that you apply to your life. The main character name is Roy and he had just moved from Montana to the Florida everglades. Roy has deal with a lot of problems especially with there school Bully. There school bully’s name is Dana Matherson and he bullies Roy on the bus. Dana gets punched in the nose by Roy because Dana was suffocating Roy. Roy also gets kicked of the bus because he supposedly was “bullying” Dana even though the assistant principal saw Dana thumb marks on Roy’s neck. Roy wants to save the owls but he can’t do anything about it because the company will not believe him. Roy also wants to get Mullet Fingers help in the hospital because he got bit by a dog, but Mullet Fingers parents didn’t want to help him. Mullet finger tries to use Vandalism to scare out Mother Paula’s Pancake Company. The story was really about standing up for what you believe is right. Beatrice, Roy Mullet fingers and their classmates believes that killing the owls was wrong and that they had to stop that. The actor that played Mother Paula took a stand against Mother Paula’s Pancake Company because she knew that killing the owl was wrong.  She also thought that it would give her better ratings for her next movie where she is queen of the Mutant Grasshoppers. There teacher also encourages kids to join the protest against Mother Paula’s Pancake Company which ends up working out in the end. I think the author was trying to teach me to stand up for my rights and other people’s rights. Roy had to stand up against Dana and to stand up for the owls. Throughout the book I realized that it is important to stand up for what is right.

When I was reading this book the main theme was to stand up for what you believe in. A place I saw this theme was when Roy stood up Dana. He knew that what he was doing was wrong and he knew that he had to stand up to him. All of the other kids told him to just let Dana do what he does but Roy wanted to stand up for himself even though he ended up almost getting suffocated and he got banned from the bus. Beatrice also helped Roy gain courage to stand up to people

Another way that I saw this theme was when Roy, Beatrice and Mullet Fingers went to the grand opening of the Pancake and tried to prove them wrong. The stood up for what they believed in and than Kimberly made a promise (as mother Paula) to donate the land as an owl reserve. Curly is an example not to do he just went along with the crowd and his boss and didn’t try to save the owls. There teacher also encourages kids to join the protest against Mother Paula’s Pancake Company which ends up working out in the end. I think the author was trying to teach me to stand up for my rights and other people’s rights. Roy had to stand up for the owls. Beatrice tries many times to alert the Pancake house of what they are doing and that they need to stop but they just keep getting back form letters.

I think that this book’s theme which was to stand up for what you believe in even when people don’t agree with you is a great theme because you can really apply it to you life. I think that this was an amazing book and I would definitely recommend it to a friend. I think that the book was better because I am not a big fan of the movie. In conclusion, I think if you were looking for a funny book with a great theme this is the book for you.

Chain Link Fence Science Project.


img_0699Last week in science we had to build a chain it couldn’t be a rope, it had to be a chain. My partner was Kallie and we were a great team. Our chain is made out of pipeclearners and rope. We first were going to use paper and string but than we decided to use pipecleaners and twine. The object of this project was to make a chain that can withstand 3000 grams. The first is a 200 grams, than 400 grams, than 600 grams, 800 grams, and than 1000 so in total. We get points for each two litter we put on our chain and how long it is. Overall It was a super fun project.

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