European union

Someting that went well during my travels was that it was quick and easy to show them my passport, read it, answer some questions, and then go buy my bumper stickers. Also the merchant and the Customs agent were really fun to exchange stuff.

If this was real I would say it would be very frustrating because when you drive through countries to get to other countries you have to go through customs over and over again. I think it would be great to have a passport be a credit card type of thing so they can keep your record and if you go through it again to go somewhere you could just show them it and they would scan it and you would pop up and you would be able to go.

Yes, they have control

Mexico city google maps

1. They don’t have vary many parking lots in mexico. A lot of the shops are so close together there is no room for parking lots.

2. A lot of the shops and houses are close together unlike Zeeland where the houses have a yard.

3. there is no certain area where you should cross the road. you walk across freely.


1. All vehicle necessities are as good as ours. EX. the stoplights are like ours, the cars, the bridges, the different shops.

2. The Mexicans don’t have very many fields that you can see, but in Zeeland you can see a lot of them.


Amazon rainforest people

Based on the six groups we looked at I think that the environmentalists have the best argument. I think this because they want to develop and conserve the rainforest and study it for different things about the animals or find a cure for cancer. They also want to not cut it down because it holds more than one third of the earths population of animals, plants, and trees. The rainforest also has more biodiversity than anywhere else



I don’t agree with the other groups because the loggers want to cut down and destroy the rainforest with the animals and their habitat that the environmentalists could study and possibly make a cure for something. I also don’ t agree with the cattle ranchers. They have plenty of room outside of the Amazon rainforest to raise cattle and other animals. I think that the rubber tappers and native Amazonians are ok too. They want to keep the rainforest how it is and get rubber and live life the way it should be in the rain forest not cutting down trees for money or cattle.

BIble Exam thing



Conflict and doubt




sent to Promised land


symbol of a lamp



something is rotten



slide to destruction



a savior



Immigration Day

My Immigration day experience was amazing, especially Tena Timmer’s story. Tena’s story, like I said, was amazing, her house literally blew up by a bomb, yes you read that correctly, it blew up! During world war ll the Germans were bombing the Netherlands and one hit they’re area and blew up the back of her house. Another story that she told was when she was at NewYork and they were unloading their crate that had all of they’re stuff. When they were getting they’re stuff out of the boat with a crane, the operator wasn’t careful enough and bumped they’re crate and the bottom of the crate fell off and a bunch of they’re stuff fell into the sea.
This was important to me because first of all she’s a Timmer, and second that It’s incredible what she went through. If I had a bomb hit my house, I would be thinking it would be the end of the world. Her stories Amaze me how they got through all of this and at least God was at they’re side every step of the way. What was also important to me was that if you trust in the LORD all things will go well and you can count on him.
I always thought that immigrating was easy just poof and you’re there, but bot was I wrong. To get your visa you need to wait a super long time, up to ten years. Also it took long to get your green card and to go there. It also made me learn about how Immigration works and that it is a hard thing to do.

Grandparents day interview

The consumption changed since 7th grade was that they had to always bring home lunches and had only orange juice and milk. they would take lees time in shower because of the use of hot water. She said it was bad to her. lots of things were made of glass no cardboard and less plastic. more manufacturing now then it was then.

picture book advice

1. all rules can be, and have been, broken.

2. the text of a picture book should be less than 1000 words.


1. read picture books over and over again.

2. be original, try not to copy

3. be sure that the content of the story will interest both children and adults


1. think like a preschooler

2. describe your character

3. take drafts one step at a time.

4. read a funny picture book.

5. point your illustrations with words.


I had trouble with 3-4 where we had to write the whole equation as the answer and I kept writing the answer from figuring out the equation as the answer. I figured out after Mr.B helped me that there was a much easier way to do the answer. All we had to do was write the equation of how to figure it out as the answer.






max had x amount of 21.8 pound boxes he packed for his moving truck  if all of the pound boxes = 124.26 pounds how many boxes did he have





Onto the field.

With the ball.

Around the defender.

In the air.

Past the keeper

Through the net.

To victory we go.