Memoir 3/12/14

My memoir is going good.

Right when we started I knew what I was going to write about.
When she said that we could write about a fear I knew that I was going to write about a fear. I had thought of alo if diffrent things boggling in my mind but then I choose that I was going to write about being afraid of going downstairs at night by myself because I thought that my neighbors cat would be standing down there by the corner of the steps.

What is going well- Writing the personal Narritive in my memoir is been going well because I know what my whole story is about and so from that I can write about it and I dont have to wait awhile to think of what my whole story is going to be about.

What am I struggling with- It is a hard time when I am thinking about I will end my Story and how it can connect back to the beginning I have a hard time with that.

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