Persecution Paper


Kennedy Heyboer

Mrs. Roskamp

LA, 8A

9 March 2017

Christian Persecution In India


What do you think about when someone brings up persecution and you hear that there are people living their everyday life in their country, and then you hear some who are dying everyday for their faith that they believe. What goes through your mind when you hear that 30 people in just India alone die for their belief in just two months. Christians are getting persecuted everyday, year, month and let alone every minute all around the world.


Persecution is a huge thing for the Christians. There is a ton of different questions that I have for those who are persecuted and those who are persecuting. For those persecuting why. Why do you think this is the right thing to do. Why do they not have the freedom and will that you have. Thinking of this it makes my heart cry out to them. I just don’t understand it. I can’t grasp why this all happens, and like I said earlier, why the Christians have the biggest population of those being persecuted. There are some different reasons I have came across of why the Christians are persecuted. For my main reason here, there is a good side to it, but then in the end it turns out to be a twist, and a bad twist. Ther reason for why all the persecution is happening is because of the population. The Christians, Catholics, Evangelical and Pentecostal religions are the most dramatic beliefs that are growing so largely population and worldwide. Mainly the Christians are doing what we are called to do, as last years theme, we are called to

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Go. We are called as his holy, dearly loved children, to go. To go and make disciples. I think in this situation right here we are doing the right thing. We are doing what we are called to do. That is what we are doing to the Evangelical’s, we are inviting them in. We are living God’s love, light, and word to others. All countries are different. When we say/talk about persecution there is not just one specific person/group that is persecuting everyone. Islamics are persecuting most of the Christians that we hear about. But in it all it depends a lot on what the country is like. It depends on the laws, culture, and the population of the people in that country. Another wide range of questions that gets asked are how they are getting persecuted. Some countries are directly killed. Others get wiped, or one story that we heard about is a man that was shoved under cold water and drowned. This is a huge thing that totally depends on their family and their outcome of their life/ their background. All types of people are getting persecuted daily, there is not just one direct religion that we can say are getting persecuted and that’s it. Some countries are higher than others. North Korea is the biggest country being persecuted and Colombia is the smallest and least amount populated of people being persecuted.


There is a lot of different persecution that is going on in India. From small suburbs to big cities with church’s getting burned, persecution is in a wide range in India. Persecution in India is continually rising. Christianity is not a big religion in India. Around 2% of their population is Christians. If you are known to be a Christian in India, you may not speak about what you believe or anything about your faith. You may not make it known to anybody in India. Your life will be take no matter the situation. If you are going to be a missionary there your mouth needs to be shut, you can’t say or express thoughts or feelings on your religion while in India. That is why the 2% is getting smaller and smaller. It is rare to have Christians in India. Christianity is

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being attacked in many places. Incidents of violence against Christians have always been a thing and have always existed in some shape or way, but they were normally limited to a particular religion or to some particular situation. A lot of time Hindus are getting attacked, and trying to convert it over to the Christians. Christians also face racial attacks by some Hindus. In India a lot of kids and or families are getting persecuted daily.

Many different people are helping the persecuted today even if we may not know. Some ways that people are helping out is being educated the persecution that is going on around them and worldwide.  Once we know a little about other they can tell others about. They can fulfill the great commision. I think those are the biggest thing that people are doing in India. There is a lot of pastors, whom are teaching others about christianity. Once those people know the population gets bigger and bigger which is great, but then more people are at the higher risk of their life being taken away daily. I know a pastor in India, and for him it is hard. He can’t say to much yet he wants to do his job. He goes other places out of India and does his job there which is a great experience. So the biggest thing is to fulfill the great commision which lots of Christians are doing there, which is making it grow, but also they are praying for those who need the help and even those in India, they are praying for each other which is such a powerful tool.


Christians are getting persecuted everyday, year, month and let alone every minute all around the world. That is our reminder to think, pray, and be educated for all of those across the world. I have been praying constantly for them, I know it’s not that easy to simply go over to India and help out, but here in West Michigan I am praying. We are able to pray freely so we should truly do as much of that as we can for some countries who don’t have that free opportunity. I also have been keeping in contact with someone in India which is a great help knowing the information and the news of persecution that is happening everyday, minute, and

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month so that I can be praying and thinking about those specific families. This also helps me be educated on it so that I myself can go fulfill the great commision. Donating money is another big thing that I have been trying to help out with. Raising money to give to anyone in any country or anyone specific who needs it to fulfill the life that God gave them.

Mt. St Helens Volcano

 Here is a picutre of our Mt. St Helens volcano. I was in a group with Will and Gideon and we all worked together to make it happen. In science class we had to re creat a relistic volcano and our idea was to make a composite volcano. We used cardboard, paper mache and paint to make our volcano happen. It was a fun project over all and I would highly recommend it lolllll.

Uruguay Blog Post #4

Hay muchos deportes diferentes que son populares en Uruguay.  Uno de ellos es tenis. Por tenis tu necesita un raqueta, y una pequino pelota.

 El tenis en Uruguay


Otro deporte popular en Uruguay es basquetbol. Por basquetbol tu necesita un red y un uniforme y arbitro y mas.

Otra popular deporte es futbol americano. Por futbol americano tu uniformes son azul y blanco.

Boxeo es el otra importante deporte.

Spaghetti Tower Building

I was in a group with Kallie, and Jade. I think that overall we worked pretty well with each other. We used about all of our money.  We struggled at the beginning. We had one plan but then we struggled and realized it wasn’t in our price budget. After that we had to figure out a different plan. We finally found one and we were pretty proud of it. We started to build it. The base worked out great. It was just as we wanted it and we were happy about it. We started to build the top and then that didn’t work. We had to take it apart and find something else. At the end we finally got something. We weren’t 100% happy with it but it is what it is. We used 26 spaghetti sticks, bought insurance which was $500 and we also bought 32 marshmallows. In the end our tower didn’t work out. It held for about 1.1 seconds and our tower wasn’t high enough. The egg broke but the tower stayed up.



 Here is a picture of our final tower.


If I ever did this project again, I would do more researching and look at how other people did exactly our project. The thing I did like and would suggest for other projects is put more x’s through out the tower because that is what really holds the tower strong.



Math Project


The way we came up with our idea is we wanted something to do with food. We came up with a piece of cheese, and then decided we were going to do a sandwhich. So, we made a sandwhich. The real life problem is that the kids are trying to beat the world record for the worlds largest sandwhich. The longest side was too long to measure.  They had to legs to find the hypotenuse.

God Sightings

This weekend there were a lot of different changes that I saw this weekend by God sightings. One of the ways were the many changes of the color of the leaves. I went up to Big Rapids to see my sister at college. Most of the way there were a bunch of different trees that all had different colors on them. Another way was by the beautiful sunset. While we were there for about 20 or so minutes there was a beautiful sunset. One of the other ways was by the ambulance that was going to the hospital. It is so cool to see that we all can just get off the side of the rode for them and there are people who are so good about taking care of those who are need. The one other way is there was a women on the side rail. She looked like she was going to jump over the side. There was a cop luckily to talk to her and let her not jump. God must have touched the cops life and had the feeling to talk to her and let her know there is a good meaning in life.

Uraguay 2

9ba43e56a878c97871b5d975abf37a2d El dormitorio esta a la derecha del el sala. El cocina es muy bonita. El cocina esta izquierda de el bano. El bano es muy muy grande y largo. El sofa es rojo. El fregadero esta enfrente de el sillas.


charming-vacation-rental-fort-de-france-villa-jad-or_22El sofa es muy largo. El cocina es muy pequeno. Ahi esta dos fregaderos. El mesa tiene cuatro sillas. El cocina esta derecha de la sala. El escalera esta derecha de el mesa. El mesa es amarillo.


57f997b7e00d26e718de97b2f4f7d7b6El bano esta enfrente de el dormitorio. La sala es muy pequeno. El sofa es muy bonita. La sillas esta detras de la refrigerador. El cama es muy aburrido. El televison esta derecha de el sofa.

Thematic Writing

Kennedy Heyboer

Mrs. Roskamp



Thematic Writing

I am reading a book called 90 Minutes In Heaven. At the age of 18 a guy named Don Piper, gets in a horrible accident. He gets crushed by a semi truck that then crossed over to his lane of traffic. Many and many people surround the scene and pray. They know that prayer is the only thing that they can do. They hear the tragedy news. “He died.” That news that no one wants to hear. But wait. There’s a better end to that. He returns to earth. That may not of been what he wanted, but that’s what God thought was right. Don didn’t like telling most people that he got the chance to go to heaven. But he did express his pain. Mainly to God. He wanted to go back to heaven and that’s what he thought was right. He didn’t have to experience any pain. But on earth he did which was awful. After around 13 months he was able to go home and feel a little bit less pain as well as just be around family and not surrounded in the same room with the same doctors. Once he got home with the help of many many prayers he began to heal and start walking.His progress was unbelievable. Through it all he made it to the end and lived. Through this whole book I realized prayer was the greatest most powerful thing on earth.

There were many ways through this book that I could find ways that I could see the theme through. Mainly because my theme I choose in the book was prayer. To me prayer is the most powerful thing and such a cool thing. I love hearing about stories that were answered through prayer. One of the ways that I saw prayer being answered was once he died. If pastors, family, friends, and people all the across the country didn’t pray and pray and if God didn’t realize that he was such a huge impact in others lives he would still be in heaven and just making an impact in those people’s lives there.  

The other huge way that I realized God answered pray was when he was able to go home. There were lots of ways that God showed him and his family that prayers could be answered. One was first of all that in all he was able to go home. The doctors didn’t think he would be able to walk again. The other big part is that he slowly was able to take slow steps. He said in the book that after he took around 3 or so he would be exhausted. Yet he also said that he felt so accomplished and was proud that he was able to do that. His wife worked as a teacher and once she got home he would show her the progress that he had made that day. After days of practice he was able to make a lap around his living room. It’s such a cool thing because that just shows God answered the prayers and God was faithful. Even though it was a slow process in the end he was grateful for how God had blessed him and his injuries.

Through this whole book I realized prayer was the greatest most powerful thing on earth.

When I was reading this book I had lots of different feelings and thoughts. It made me have many different questions but it made me understand more and in a way almost become closer with God. The reason I say that is because the book describes a lot about heaven. Nothing I have ever heard before. He makes it sound so comforting and makes me think it’s so comforting. It was a fantastic book and I would highly highly recommend it. Most book’s I don’t care for and don’t always understand every part but this book I couldn’t put down. I read a lot of this at home and enjoyed it so much. I was glad I was able to find this book and finally decide to read it.