Science Chain Project

For this project, Jade was my partner. (She was a great partner!) We had about 10 diffenret items that we could use. Our whole point is to make a chain that would hold bottles with water in them. They were all different weights. We used tape, pipe cleaners, string, rubber bands, and straws. We took the pipe cleaners and string and twisted them together. After we did that we then twisted them all together and made it a chain. After we accomplaished that (which took a few times) we tested it. It held all of the bottles and we were happy. We went to our table and discussed how we could make it longer with some of the resources that we had left. We took some straws and attached them to the end of the chain. We used a bunch of tape to make sure that they would stay together. We then tested it one more time and it held. We were happy with it and confident in our chain. We decided to be done.


Theme Writing

Kennedy Heyboer


La 8 A

14 September 2016


Colossians 3:17


And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving                      

thanks to God the father through him.



For me selfless is a big theme that we need to focus on and something that may be challenging for our grade. When we were sitting in faith church and waiting to hear all of the themes that the groups picked out I was anxious. I wasn’t quite sure what our theme would be like, and how our grade would take our theme and put it into practice. We all voted and it came out to be Selfless. Now that we have started school and are learning more about our theme I am really glad that’s what God choose for us because it’s something that people do just out of nowhere. I can apply this theme to my life as an 8th grader at Zeeland Christian school and to my life in the community and in the world.


This year’s theme can apply to my life here at Zeeland Christian School.

I think that this year it will be so easy for us to forget what the theme is and how we can be putting it into practice. Yet there is so many different ways that we can easily be selfless. We can do so something so simple as arranging chairs or asking someone if they need help. Something that may be a little more bit of a stretch is when needing a partner go with someone you don’t normally go with, or during lunch just be with someone who most normally you aren’t hanging out with. It can even be away from school and it should be something you regularly do. Not a lot of us think about how we can be selfless. When we see someone else being selfless we don’t always realize what a big impact there are doing in our lives.


This year’s theme also applies to my life outside of school.

At school we are reminded continually of our theme, which is Selfless. That is a good reminder for us to be selfless to others and keep an eye open for how others are selfless. Once we leave school, it is something that just slips out of our mind, and sports, friends, or any other activity just gets in the way. Selfless isn’t a common thing that is always in our brain and no matter what we are doing we remember to be selfless. We as 8th graders are the total opposite outside of school. Yet while we are doing our other activities, that is the time when it’s most easiest to be selfless, and more people will want to be like you because there are not a lot of people around who are selfless. When we are outside of school and doing something, not too often do we see someone who is being selfless to others. When I see someone doing something to others that is being selfless, it just puts a smile on my face. Knowing that there are people around who care about others first is just amazing to see. One way I see quite frequently, is letting someone else go in line before them. Something just really little no matter if it’s at a restaurant, or at school. One thing I see once in a very while is someone paying for the person behind them. That is something tricky to do, because we all want the money for us. There are so many different little things we can do to be selfless no matter if we get rewarded or not.   

I can apply the theme “selfless” to my life as an 8th grader at Zeeland Christian School and to my life in the community and in the world. God was so God and we could all tell he was in our presence when we were choosing the theme for Zeeland Christian. It took time to really think what would fit best for our grade, and like teachers have said, it might be a little bit of a stretch but that’s okay if we go out of our comfort zone. God is good, and we thank him for how he has been setting examples to be selfless.

Boat Races – Pickle Express

photo-on-9-9-16-at-1-16-pmMe and Anna worked together to make this boat finish to the end and not sink. We first took Styrofoam and cut out a square that would fit into the large PVC pipe. We covered the bottom of it with foil. We stuck 4 popsicles sticks in it as you can see above. Connected to that was 2 index cards that is labeled with our boat name.  The first time we tested it, our boat tipped over because we didn’t have any weight on the front. Afterwards we put a film canister that had water in it on to the middle of our boat, so that it would balance out. We also put 10 popsicle sticks on the end of our boat just to make sure it wouldn’t tip over during the trials. We stuck the popsicle sticks, and the foil on by hot glue, and he film canister with tape. After our first trial we didn’t win so we had another strategy to put pipe cleaners on the side of our boat so that when it rubbed on the side of the PVC it would be smooth and wouldn’t make it stop during the trials.

Summer 2K16

This summer I hung out with friends, babysat a lot, and hung out by the pool, and hung out with family quite a bit. This summer I went to 2 different places for vacation. In July I went to Iowa for my cousins wedding. We left here on a Thursday and came back on Saturday. Friday night was the wedding so in the day we hung out in the hotel with family. In the beginning of August me and my family went to Frankenmuth for 2 days. We did quite a bit of shopping and at night we went in the waterpark. It was a fun time to do something with my family. In the middle of the summer I did a lot of babysitting for my neighbor at her house. I enjoyed swimming in my pool and just hanging out.

African Union

What was the core problem of the situation in Kenya in your mind?

In my mind one of the core problems was that the terriost that are there. They do not want to move refugee camps where there are terriost because of the terriost attacks. They need to find places there that are safe for the people to move to maybe in a smaller refugee camps so that they are most spread out.

Do you feel like they addressed yesterday? (How/Why not)



Biggest Challenge?

I think for me the biggest challenge was in the end you would all join in groups, and start to all agree on the samae thing. Well for me it was not as enjoyable at that time because one group would just take over and do it all including the paper and resolution which then would make the other groups, not have as much of a chance to expierence what it is like when you all go into one idea, instead of staying in a group with just 1 or 2 more countrys and making your resolution.


What you enjoyed / got out of it.

I really enjoyed the African Union.

Boat Trip

3 solid things that we learned from the boat trip:

  1. While I was expirmenting in the water, I found and saw a lot of little bugs that were living in the water.
  2. While I was outside and searching through the bugs, I found out a way how you can see if the bugs are living or not.
  3. I found out what PH actually is while we learned about it.