Math Project


The way we came up with our idea is we wanted something to do with food. We came up with a piece of cheese, and then decided we were going to do a sandwhich. So, we made a sandwhich. The real life problem is that the kids are trying to beat the world record for the worlds largest sandwhich. The longest side was too long to measure.  They had to legs to find the hypotenuse.

God Sightings

This weekend there were a lot of different changes that I saw this weekend by God sightings. One of the ways were the many changes of the color of the leaves. I went up to Big Rapids to see my sister at college. Most of the way there were a bunch of different trees that all had different colors on them. Another way was by the beautiful sunset. While we were there for about 20 or so minutes there was a beautiful sunset. One of the other ways was by the ambulance that was going to the hospital. It is so cool to see that we all can just get off the side of the rode for them and there are people who are so good about taking care of those who are need. The one other way is there was a women on the side rail. She looked like she was going to jump over the side. There was a cop luckily to talk to her and let her not jump. God must have touched the cops life and had the feeling to talk to her and let her know there is a good meaning in life.

Uraguay 2

9ba43e56a878c97871b5d975abf37a2d El dormitorio esta a la derecha del el sala. El cocina es muy bonita. El cocina esta izquierda de el bano. El bano es muy muy grande y largo. El sofa es rojo. El fregadero esta enfrente de el sillas.


charming-vacation-rental-fort-de-france-villa-jad-or_22El sofa es muy largo. El cocina es muy pequeno. Ahi esta dos fregaderos. El mesa tiene cuatro sillas. El cocina esta derecha de la sala. El escalera esta derecha de el mesa. El mesa es amarillo.


57f997b7e00d26e718de97b2f4f7d7b6El bano esta enfrente de el dormitorio. La sala es muy pequeno. El sofa es muy bonita. La sillas esta detras de la refrigerador. El cama es muy aburrido. El televison esta derecha de el sofa.