Thematic Writing

Kennedy Heyboer

Mrs. Roskamp



Thematic Writing

I am reading a book called 90 Minutes In Heaven. At the age of 18 a guy named Don Piper, gets in a horrible accident. He gets crushed by a semi truck that then crossed over to his lane of traffic. Many and many people surround the scene and pray. They know that prayer is the only thing that they can do. They hear the tragedy news. “He died.” That news that no one wants to hear. But wait. There’s a better end to that. He returns to earth. That may not of been what he wanted, but that’s what God thought was right. Don didn’t like telling most people that he got the chance to go to heaven. But he did express his pain. Mainly to God. He wanted to go back to heaven and that’s what he thought was right. He didn’t have to experience any pain. But on earth he did which was awful. After around 13 months he was able to go home and feel a little bit less pain as well as just be around family and not surrounded in the same room with the same doctors. Once he got home with the help of many many prayers he began to heal and start walking.His progress was unbelievable. Through it all he made it to the end and lived. Through this whole book I realized prayer was the greatest most powerful thing on earth.

There were many ways through this book that I could find ways that I could see the theme through. Mainly because my theme I choose in the book was prayer. To me prayer is the most powerful thing and such a cool thing. I love hearing about stories that were answered through prayer. One of the ways that I saw prayer being answered was once he died. If pastors, family, friends, and people all the across the country didn’t pray and pray and if God didn’t realize that he was such a huge impact in others lives he would still be in heaven and just making an impact in those people’s lives there.  

The other huge way that I realized God answered pray was when he was able to go home. There were lots of ways that God showed him and his family that prayers could be answered. One was first of all that in all he was able to go home. The doctors didn’t think he would be able to walk again. The other big part is that he slowly was able to take slow steps. He said in the book that after he took around 3 or so he would be exhausted. Yet he also said that he felt so accomplished and was proud that he was able to do that. His wife worked as a teacher and once she got home he would show her the progress that he had made that day. After days of practice he was able to make a lap around his living room. It’s such a cool thing because that just shows God answered the prayers and God was faithful. Even though it was a slow process in the end he was grateful for how God had blessed him and his injuries.

Through this whole book I realized prayer was the greatest most powerful thing on earth.

When I was reading this book I had lots of different feelings and thoughts. It made me have many different questions but it made me understand more and in a way almost become closer with God. The reason I say that is because the book describes a lot about heaven. Nothing I have ever heard before. He makes it sound so comforting and makes me think it’s so comforting. It was a fantastic book and I would highly highly recommend it. Most book’s I don’t care for and don’t always understand every part but this book I couldn’t put down. I read a lot of this at home and enjoyed it so much. I was glad I was able to find this book and finally decide to read it.

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