Whose Fault was the Bosten Massacre?

Whose fault was the Boston Massacre?
I think that it was the British fault.

Why do you think it was the British fault?

I think that it was the British fault because the colonists boys started throwing snowballs at the British soldiers but the Colonist boys were little so they didn’t really know better but the British thought it was a big deal and then they loaded their guns and then they loaded their guns and they shot at the Colonist even though the Colonists boys were little and didn’t really know better and they were just trying to have fun. But I dont think that the British should have taken it that way I think that should have realized that they were only young boys and they thought that it would have been a funny joke abut the British took it the wrong way and got mad and they loaded and shot the Colonists. The British had Guns,clubs, and other weapons but the Colonists only had Boyonets, clubs and other weapons but the British was prepared and the Colonists wasn’t so thats why it was the British fault.

Memoir 3/12/14

My memoir is going good.

Right when we started I knew what I was going to write about.
When she said that we could write about a fear I knew that I was going to write about a fear. I had thought of alo if diffrent things boggling in my mind but then I choose that I was going to write about being afraid of going downstairs at night by myself because I thought that my neighbors cat would be standing down there by the corner of the steps.

What is going well- Writing the personal Narritive in my memoir is been going well because I know what my whole story is about and so from that I can write about it and I dont have to wait awhile to think of what my whole story is going to be about.

What am I struggling with- It is a hard time when I am thinking about I will end my Story and how it can connect back to the beginning I have a hard time with that.

Social Studies letter

Dear King George,

Today I wil be writing to about Writes of assistance.

I dont think that writs of assistance is fair to me and other people.
Today I am wondering if you would be willing to speak up a little bit so that writs of assistance can change a little so that peoples property and house would not get all messed up.

I would be upset if someone came to my house and property and messed up things up because they thought that I was the one who stole it.

I would be Happy if it got changed and they wouldn’t assume that I stole the item and then they would come and mess up all of my property.

South Carolina Presentation

Here is our Social Studies presentation:

In Social Studies we had to present to Mr.Tanis about the thirteen colony that we choose and my group choose South Carolina. My group was Jaclyn,Sam,Will, and me.
We all got research from the Internet and then we put it onto a Google drive and then we got our presentation all set up and presented to Mr.Tanis. He encouraged us with what we did well but also what we could have done better.


A memoir is a little story from the authors own life. It is a memory from their life that is important to the author.It doesn’t always have to be a long story or short but it has to be a important part of their life that means a lot to them and is value to the author.


I learned that a memoir can be two kinds of writing: Essay and a personal narrative.



We added information to our flash draft.

We gathered information from the books about the pigrims and on our laptops.

Sumo Paint

I learned that…..

-We had some thing like it and that you can play around with it and make a cool design and that way you don’t have to color it.



I liked it because you can make a cool design with it and you make a bunch of layers.


I can use it again for special occasions and that  can play around with it.
