Queen Isebella

I presented to the Queen of Spain.

I think that over all it went good. We got what we needed of the 100% and I was very glad about that but we have to give Queen Isebella 20 pounds of Gold,silk,spices.

We explained who we were exploring and why we were exploring and the direction that we would get to go  from Spain to Asia and then we would go back.

I explored for Cartier.

It helped to stay for other groups to know what we didn’t include and I learned more things.


“Therefore GO and make disciples of all nation.

To me that means that we has christians should go and tell people about Jesus christ where ever we go we should help people  and tell them about Jesus christ and that doesn’t mean that we have  to carry a bible every where we go but if we have a bible with us then we can read them a certain part of the bible or if we don’t have a bible then we get tell a bible verse and GO and tell disciples.

My Twin Sister

My twin sister Jaylyn is a great supporter to me.

By: Kennedy Heyboer

Do you have a twin sister? Well I do. Her name is Jaylyn. She is a great supporter to me.

Jaylyn helps me with my school work. For example…. My twin sister Jaylyn helps me with some of my school work. I used to think that she never would be able to help me but now I realize that some subjects she can help me with. In addition, I think that she could be a good teacher because she helps me with the work that I need to do and she always says “I can help you with that”. I think that we are good at math and spelling but I think that she is good at social studies and I am good at science. when I need help then she will always step up and help me. This is important to me because I always have someone to help me when I need it.

My twin sister helps me with my chores at home. If we have to clean our room she would help me. When she helps me it goes really fast but if I do it by myself then it takes a while. I realize that if I have someone helping me it takes a minute instead of an hour.

My twin sister helps me through tough times. If I ever have a bad situation she would always be right by my side. On the other hand some times my older sisters aren’t right there for me. When I get hurt she always came to me and she always is like my doctor. She never stops!

I realize that twin sisters is a great thing to have because you never get lonely. This is important to me because if I ever get hurt and no one is there for me then I have to go find someone but she always knows when I am hurt.

If you have a twin sister she or he could be annoying but my twin sister is not at all. 

3 school buddies

3 school buddies are fun to play with and fun to hang out with.

It is really fun to go sledding with them. But also if you are sad then you always have someone to hang out with. But I really think that if you have a sibling in 3 school then you are really LUCKY!!!

The Time My Great Aunt Died

By:Kennedy Heyboer

One night I was at my house and my dad was at work. My dad called my mom and started to talking to her. When mom go off the phone with my dad she told my sisters and me that our great aunt had a heart attack when I found that out I was asking my mom a lot of questions like is she okay? What happened? Is she in the hospital? When did it happen? A couple of days later it was a Sunday so my family went to church. After church we went to the Holland Hospital to see her she was all hocked up to Ivy’s. I saw my great aunt and uncle in the room where Aunt Betty was. My dad told me that she only would have a couple of more days to stay alive. After a couple of days my dad told me that she had died. I was sad. I didn’t really ever get to see her because she was in the nursing home. It really hit me when I figured out that she died. I still really miss her. Every time that we went to the nursing home I remember that she would have a big shiny smile on her face because she would like it when we would visit her. My grandparents would usually go on Sundays so sometimes we would get to go with them.

She was very important to me because she could always cheer me up!!

The Nervous Dive

The Nervous Dive!!!

The second week of swimming we had to do a sit dive I got really nervous. Mrs Heidi told my group that if we But I decided that I wanted to. I sat on the edge of the pool and waited until she called me. When she did she told me to tuck my chin and lean over so I did as she said. But right away when I hit the water I knew did it!!! But then I got water up my nose. I thought actually it really was not a nervous dive after all!!!didn’t want to dive then we could go sit on the bench.