Sock puppet script

Kyla = Meg

Hannah = Calvin

Jordyn = Charles Wallace

Jordyn = Narrator

Elaina = Mrs. Whatsit

Elaina = Mrs. Who

Hannah = Meg and Charles’ Dad

Kyla = IT!


Hannah= Camera Person


A wrinkle in time: modified funny version.


Scene 1

Mrs. Whatsit: You know there is such thing as a tesseract…

Meg: (Gasp) Wait what’s a tesseract?

Mrs. Whatsit: It’s a fifth dimension of time travel. Now get back to the script

Meg: Oh right the script (Gasp)

Scene 2

Narrator: Meg and Calvin were walking when Charles Wallace saw that  Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who, and Mrs. Witch came over

Mrs. Whatsit: It’s time

Meg & Calvin: Time for what?

Mrs. Who: Something

Calvin: Something?

Scene 3

Narrator: Now Calvin, Meg, Charles Wallace, Mrs. Who, Mrs. Which, and Mrs. Whatsit are tessering, using the 5th dimension of time travel…………………..

Mrs. Who: Mrs. Whatsit, isn’t it time for you to change?

Charles Wallace: Change? Into what?

Narrator: All of a sudden Mrs. Whatsit turns into something like a centaur! She spreads her wings out.

Mrs. Whatsit: Okay kids, get on my back!

Calvin: I’m scared. MOMMY!

Meg & Charles: Are you SERIOUS?

Mrs. Whatsit: Yep, I’m completely serious. DON’T BE A SCAREDY CAT


Scene 4

Narrator: Mrs. Whatsit continues to fly higher and higher. The kids have to use flowers to breathe.

Charles Wallace: (Deep breathing.) Breathing exercises everybody!

(Land on ground.)

Meg: Is that what my father is fighting here?

Mrs. Which: YES!

Narrator: Meg’s father had also tessered to…… well wherever they are to help stop the dark thing.

Meg: (Chews on hair) I’m scared!

Scene 5

Narrator: Meg, Calvin, and Charles Wallace go on a mission to save Meg and Charles’ father

without Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Which, and Mrs. Who.

Calvin: We need a secret code to call each other in case of emergencies… How about this…18,008,468,939,673,093,392

Meg: No No No No No, we have to make this simple…. 45,789,123

Charles Wallace: NO!!!!! How about this… Mary had a little lamb…(Sings)

Meg & Calvin: oooooooohhhhhhhh aaaaahhhhhhhhhh!

Calvin: I like that!

Charles Wallace: I’m a little lamb!

Narrator: Kids are bouncing balls in rhythm, it seems like they are robots! (BOUNCE BOUNCE BOUNCE! Kids bouncing balls)

Meg: Everyone is doing something in rhythm! “Kids, don’t drop your balls!”

Meg: Calvin, this is kind of creepy!

Scene 6

Narrator: Meg sees Meg and Charles’ father in a translucent tube like a prison.


Calvin: Use Mrs. Who’s glasses to get in there and come out with your father!

Charles Wallace: Who is this person?

Meg: You know! It’s… (Meg is interrupted)

Charles: It’s who?

Meg: Oh that’s right, you were just born when father first left.

(Walk through doors.)

IT: (evil laughing) You will  be possessed Charles!


Charles: I’m too young to die!

Scene 7

Narrator: At the time Charles had been taken over by IT….

Calvin: I know this is the wrong time to ask you this but …………………

Meg: Yes! I will be your girlfriend if that’s what you’re asking…………

Narrator: and they lived happily ever after.

Dad: Its not over yet!

Dad: I don’t like my baby girl snooping around with some boy.

Narrator: Meg walked over to go talk to It.

Meg: Charles I love you, almost as much as calvin!

Narrator: It is speaking through Charles Wallace.

IT speaking through Charles: AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH! What are you doing. (Flops down on the floor.)

Real Charles: “I love you too Meg!”

Calvin:  Woooooooooooo Hhoooooooooooo! We did it.

Scene 8

Narrator: A while after that incident, Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs Which, Mrs. Who, Meg’s dad, Calvin, Charles, and Meg joined up and tessered home. Thats the power of Wrinkle in Time.

Dad: Now that’s the happily ever after!


The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe.


Being courageous takes courage.Just like in the lion the witch and the wardrobe.

lucy,edmund, and aslan. They all had to be courageous. Just like we do in life. Don’t wait to be courageous. Like i said it takes courage to be courageous.

Reason 1


Aslan had to be courageous. He could have lit the white witch kill Edmund. He let her kill him instead. this connects to many peoples lives. We all have to be courageous.Which takes courage.

          Reason 2

Edmund had to be courageous because he had to speak up and talk to asalan. It’s not easy to speak up to grow up. ( or lions in this case) Everyone has to be courageous sometimes. So be COURAGEOUS!

              Reason 3

Lucy had to be courageous because it’a not easy trying to say somthing to your older sibbles that might not believe what you’re going to say.It takes courage to speak up if they might not belive it. So don’t be afraid to speak up to older people.


Everybody has to be courageous sometimes. Just say your 5 years old Just because your young dosen’t mean you can’t be courageous. So be courageous in life.Everone has to be courageuos.