Something I learned… 50% of your life is spent sleeping. When your asleep your brain doesn’t shut off.

Something I didn’t know. That a teenager should get 9hrs of sleep a night.

Questions. How do you get Jetleg? Does it happen in other countrys.




One afternoon Tim was walking downtown Holland to his job. Tara was also walking downtown holland to her job. Two boys Levi and Logan were brothers and just got done playing in a high school basketball and were going out to eat at the DELI. They saw Tim walking downtown with his wallet in his back pocket. Levi said to Logan i’ll give you 20$ if you steal that wallet. Logan bumped into him and snatched the wallet out of his back pocket. Levi went off walking and laughing as Logan had just stolen the random mans wallet. They went into the DELI and ordered deep fried mushrooms and burgers with FROZEN YOGURT. Later on while they were eating and pumped up after beating HC they saw the same random man “TIM” walk in with his wife Tara. Logan started panicking thinking he was forsure screwed and that the man would bust him. Tim ended up sitting down and ordered a beer and food. Tim and Tara just sat and acted like nothing happened. Logan knew he would be screwed eventually because Tim would have to pay with his wallet when he was done eating. Logan panicked and went to the bathroom. He finally felt better when he got back. Once him and Levi were done eating they left and went back home. That night Tim had his wallet.

SOLUTION: The solution of my Mystery is that Logan snuck the wallet into Tara’s purse who set it on the bed next to Tim’s pants that night. So Tim ended up never realizing he lost his wallet and ended up getting it back.