December 11 Blog Post:


Posted by lculver22 | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on December 11, 2014

My favorite part of the Christmas story was the part about the Magi. What happened was three Magi saw an unusually bright. After doing some research they interpreted that it meant the birth of an important child. So they decided to follow it. They stopped in Jerusalem because it was a royal city and they asked King Herod were this  child was. King Herod told them to go find this child so he could worship him. But he really wanted kill him. So the Magi found Jesus and they worshiped him and gave him gifts. Then in a dream God told the Magi not to go King Herod. Once King Herod found out the Magi outwitted him, he ordered all babies two and under to be killed. So in a dream God told Joseph to go to Egypt until Herod died. Finally Herod died and they went back home. But Herod’s son was king now so they went to Nazareth instead.

I like this story because it really shows that you can’t mess with God’s plan. No matter how hard you try.

Two new things I learned were that after they came back home to Bethlehem they decided to go live in Nazareth. And that angels appeared to Joseph three times in dreams.

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