Theme Writing


Posted by lculver22 | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on October 3, 2017

Landon Culver

Mrs. Roskamp

LA, 8A

11 September 2017

Theme Writing

This is love: not that we loved God, but He loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.

1 John 4:10-11

Did you know that at the end of 7th grade at ZCS you get to choose the school theme and verse for the next year? It is very cool to be apart of that process, and as a grade we choose Lost in Love as our theme for the school. We can show our theme, Lost in Love, to others in our school and to people in the world.


I can show this theme many ways at school. One way I can show our theme at school is treating others as I want to be treated. What that means to me is every day at school I am going to be kind to others, treat them well, and show them forgiveness. Another way I can show our theme at school is putting others before myself. I am going to try go the extra mile to make someone’s day and make them happier by helping them with school stuff, saying hi to them, and talking to them. The last way I am going to show our theme at school is always trying to include everyone. Whether it’s in the classroom, during break time, or after school, I want to be a person who includes others.


As Christians, we can show this theme to the world. One way we can show our theme in the world is through praying for others. All around the world people are being persecuted, or going through natural disasters, or don’t even know if they will have a meal for the next day. So we should pray for those people and make an effort to know what is going on in the world. Another way is by donating money or stuff to those who need support in our communities and around the world. Donating money has a huge impact on others around the world and gives them hope in darker times. The last way we can show our theme in the world is serving our communities by volunteering. You can do this through your church, local charities, or other organizations.


We can show our theme, Lost in Love, to others in our school and to people in the world. We can do this by treating others as we want to be treated, putting others before ourselves,  and always trying to include everyone. In our world, we can do this by praying for others, donating money or stuff to those in need, and serving our communities by volunteering.


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