God’s Preperation

I think God has been preparing me to do work for him in a lot of different ways. I think that one example is that he has gifted me with athleticism. I need to use that gift to honor him, not myself. Meaning that I have to use my gifts that he has given me to the fullest of my ability to honor God, not myself.

Christian Persecution

There is Christian Persecution in North Korea right now. Every day hundreds of Christians are being persecuted. The leader of the country is Kim Jong Un. He sends his soldiers out to look for underground churches and kill everyone in it.

Why is it important that we study christian persecution?

It is important to study christian persecution because we need to know what is going on around the world to christians that live in countries that don’t have freedom of religion like our country. Christian persecution has been going on even since Bible times to now. When you think about it, that is a ling time. Hundreds of people die every day from this, and we need to put an end to it. Most of the people who die are underground christian pastors who are drawing others closer to God. They are martyred for doing this and that is very bad, we need to put an end to this because we are losing hundreds of lives every day and that is not a good thing.

Ideal Church vs Early Church

The ideal church is more of a come and relax church, when we threw out ideas for what it would be like for an ideal church, things came out like, a Starbucks, a hot tub, etc. But the early church was way more strict, they all got together once everyday, they shared every thing. This is kind of a mind blowing thing for me because the churches now still aren’t the same when they were back in Bible times, that is cool but it is also mind blowing.

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