If I could have anything I want….

Filed under: Uncategorized — mdeboer17 at 4:49 pm on Monday, May 6, 2013  Tagged

If I could have anything in the world I would want a free ticket to go travel the world. This ticket would allow me free flight and free cruising to wherever I wish to go. It would also provide me free lodging at wherever I chose to stay. It would also grant me the ability to rent a car or another item of transportation. If this wish was granted I think I would be a little nervous to actually go and live in all these different places and meet all kinds of new people. I would have to leave behind my family and probably wouldn’t be able to have a family of my own. I would have to be flexible and go with the flow. Other people might try and steal it from me because they want unlimited traveling expenses and free tickets to wherever they want to go. I think if this did happen I would have to have saved up lots of money for when I’m in all these different places. I might have to find a job when I’m staying in these places and learn how different other people’s jobs and lives were when living in a different country. I may not have many friends or people to talk to because I am always gone and always moving. If I get to one place and meet someone and then a week later I am gone I really can’t stay in contact with them if I am always moving and doing something. I think it would allow me to maybe learn different cultures and different languages. It might even further my education by going and studying in different areas of the world. I could take some classes down there to get a different perspective on how other people learn. This would be sort of a hard lifestyle to live with some days because you are never stable and are never in one area for a long time but it could also be a fun and adventurous lifestyle. You would get to see new things and enjoy new experiences.

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