
Ancient Egypt Project0

In the classes Social Studies, Math, and Language Arts, we learned about ancient Egypt. In Social Studies we learned all of the information that we needed to make museum exhibits. We got all of our information from text books, our teacher, and the internet. In Language Arts our class read a book about ancient Egypt, it was called the Egypt Game. This book also gave us some information on ancient Egypt. In Math we made a survey about what people like and dislike about museums. Then we put the data in all different sorts of tables and charts. After we had all of our information and data we started to create our exhibits. We made a lot of different exhibits that displayed the seven characteristics of an ancient civilization that are: social structure, writing, the arts/culture, stable food supply, government, religion, and technology.

To make these exhibits, the class was split up into four groups, with five or six people in each one. So that meant that we had to collaborate well with each other, in order for anything to get done. We learned a lot about collaboration! We learned that we have to respect each other, and each others ideas, we have to listen when others are speaking, because if we talk all at the same time no one can understand what we are trying to say. We have to be responsible and mature other wise no work ever gets done! And finally we all should do the same amount of work, we can not just have one person doing all of the work and the others not doing any at all!

One of the exhibits that my group made was called build your own pyramid. We brought in a whole bunch of play dough and we typed out a paragraph explaining how pyramids were made and what to do. I think that that was my favorite part of all, making that exhibit and seeing all of the kids make pyramids out of the play dough and watching them read and learn about pyramids.

Through this project, I learned so much about ancient Egypt! I knew a few things like they made pyramids and they mummified people after death, but I did not know how they did it, but now I do. I also learned things that were totally new to me, like their religion, their government, what type of music they listened to, what they ate, and so much more! I learned not only about their government but I learned about each specific Pharaoh and what they did that made them important. I learned so much about ancient Egypt in such a short time, and had a lot of fun while doing it!



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