
Science ~ Crayon Rocks0

In my science class, we have been working on studying rocks. To rap up our unit, we made our own rocks out of crayon. First we had to shred our crayons using scissors, pencil sharpeners,  cheese graters, and more. We called the pieces of shredded  crayon: sediment. Our whole class shredded crayons and made sediment for hours. After all of the sediment that we needed was made, we put it in pieces of tinfoil and wrapped it up like a gift.  Finally we went around the school and found heavy things to put our little pacages of crayon sediment under. My group decided to put it under a big heavy printer. Then we let them sit like that for about a week and a half.  We collected them and opened up the tinfoil. All of the sediment had stuck together and made one big rock.

This is the final result…


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