
Immigration Stories0

Today we got the opportunity to talk to a whole bunch of people that have immigrated from a different country to the US. I first had a conversation with Shiku Wanyagah. She came here from Kenya and is now a student at Hope collage. She came to the US to go to collage and then after her four or so years are done she is planning on moving back to Kenya. I learned quite a bit about her and her story. She loves the United States, though there are many things that she misses from home, she thinks that the States are pretty cool. Here, there are a few major differences from Kenya, she says, but many things are the same. One main difference is all of the snow, it does not snow in Kenya. She said that one thing that is the same is the way people interact with each other. Another thing she said is similar is the schooling because she went to a American based school in Kenya so it is very similar to the schools here. One big difference the schools here have from the schools there was their middle school went from 7am to 5pm! We asked her if there are any stereotypes about the US in Kenya. She said that there are a few but she choses not to listen to them, you can’t judge a person until you meet them. But we were able to get her to tell us two of them, one was that all of the people are fat here and the other was that it is not safe here. She says that she now knows that neither of these things are true. I learned a lot about her story. The second person we talked to was Jean Luc. He was really funny and had a good story. He is from Honduras and moved to the US to go to Hope collage just like Shiku Wanyagah. His story was very similar to hers, they both said that a major difference was all the snow and that a major similarity was the schools and stuff, even though they are from completely different countries. I really enjoyed talking with these people and getting to know a little about them and their stories.


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