Africa Entry Event


In social studies right now we are learning about Africa. On Thursday we all wrote down what we thought of when someone said the word Africa. When we all finished writing our ideas down we turned it into a wordle. Some of the biggest words that came up were people and poor. We had to explain what we wrote and why we thought that was a big word that came up. We think of the word poor because we hear at different places like church or something that we can give money to someone in Africa. The reality is that not all places in Africa are poor. Yes, some places are but their are some places where people are wealthier too. We came up with the word people because we always think of people being African America.

The next thing we did on Thursday was our teacher would show us a persons picture and we would have to write down if we thought they were born in Africa or not. It showed us that sometimes we just think they came from a certain place because of their skin color, but really you can’t tell from just their skin color where they came from.

One Friday we each got a playing card, and our teacher would call a number and if you have that number on your card you had to stand up. When we would stand up our teacher would tell us a fact about a country in Africa, like these people that are standing represent the people who are Christian or some something like that.

I learned that sometimes we think we know a lot about someones country when we really don’t. Also that we assume  that everyone in Africa has dark skin, but not everyone does.

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