Wave Erosion



In science we did projects about erosion. Mine was wave erosion. The left one is before and the right one is after. During it they waves come and hit the head land and wear down the rocks. Where the waves break is where it mostly effects it. When it’s shallow water the wave breaks and brings sediment with it and that wears it down over time.




In science class we had groups that we were in and we had to make a volcano. We had to do either a composite, shield, or cinder cone volcano and recreate a real volcano. My group decided to do a shield volcano and recreated the Mana Loa volcano. We made it out of playdough and painted it brown. For the lava flow we did red, orange and yellow paint. For the aa we did red paint and pieces of playdough. for the magma chamber, the pipe, crater, vent, and the magma out of red paint. The pyroclastic was cotton balls. Our hot spring was lots of colors on the side. Our side vent was a bottle cap. By the cut out we did layers of lava and cinders out of paint. We labeled everything with tape.

Next week we are going to have them explode using baking soda and vinegar or diet coke and mentos.

Persecution Project


For Bible class we had to make a persecution project. This is the video we made.

Spaghetti Tower



In science we are built Towers out of spaghetti, tape, and marshmallows.  It had to be 40 centimeters tall and has to be strong enough to hold an egg through our earthquake. We had around $4,500 to buy supplies from our teacher to build it. We built our tower out of triangle shapes because that is that is the strongest shape. At the top of our tower we have the non sticky side of the tape up to hold our egg. We also had marshmallows to connect the spaghetti sticks together.  Thats how we built our tower.


The Holy Spirit


The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is part of the trinity. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are God. They’re not parts of God, they are God. Matthew 28:19 tells us that we need to go and be disciples and they/we need to accept all of the trinity. Since they are all God they are all equally important so we need to make sure we accept all of them equally. The Holy Spirit has lots of names and titles. The Holy Spirit is our seal. It is God’s seal for/on us. The Holy Spirit is also our guide. It guides us through life and helps us know what to do. It guides us down the right path, so we need to follow it. Acts 5:32 says how we are a witness because God gave us the Holy Spirit and he gives it to people who obey him and his law. Another title it has is teacher. A teacher teaches us about God and helps us understand it and the Holy Spirit does that too. It helps us know what we should do and it helps us understand things too. It helps us understand things in lots of ways. The Holy Spirit is working in our hearts everyday. Romans 5:5 says how God has poured out his love in our hearts through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is working in our hearts and lives all the time and everyday.

The Holy Spirit works in my life by always being with me. It will be their for whatever I need. I thinks that’s awesome that it will always be there for me because I can’t live life without it. Wherever I am I will always know I won’t be alone. That is also saying that it comforts me. It gives me hope too. It gives me hope by helping me know everything will be okay and by doing that it comforting me. That’s how the Holy Spirit works in my life.


Applying Pythagorean Theorem


You can use the Applying Pythagorean Theorem in real life. If you have an object and you want to find the diagonal of it you can use Applying Pythagorean Theorem to figure it out. Say you have an object that is 40 inches by 32 inches, you have to square 40 and 32, so 40*40= 1600 and 32*32= 1024. Then you add 1600+1024= 2624. Then you have to find the square root of 2624 which is 51.2 (I rounded to the nearest tenth). People can use this if they want to know the diagonal of and object.



Yesterday we went bowling for school.  We were assigned groups for it and I was with Katie, Ally, and Anneka. The first round I won and we did it normally but the second round I lost and we did just did crazy things. It was really fun and we had a great time.

Metaphor Writing


Metaphor Writing

I am a river.

My life has gone pretty steady. Just like a river it can flow steadily. I haven’t had very many big things happen in my life. My life just flows along like a river when it is calm. My life most of the time is calm and steady like when a river is flowing with no obstacles. Flowing steady for me means that it isn’t going very fast and nothings getting in the way.

Another way I am like a river is that a river is when the rain is really hard the water will build up and overflow. Sometimes that happens when I get a bad day. My emotions will build up and then they will overflow. I happens to everyone once in a while just like a river overflows once in a while. Like everyone’s life most river will overflow at least once. I know I have when you get bad days all day the things just keep pileng on until you get home then sometimes you just overflow with your different feelings. Those days are hard. Sometimes those can be because of groups at school or just frustrated with everything thats happening right then. It can also happen when I get really stressed with tests, grades, or just thing at school in general. That when I sometimes overflow like a river.

Going along with that in a river there are rocks interrupting the flow of the river and making it slow down. In life that happens too. There are things that get in the way of life and slow you down. When rocks get in the way of my normal routine I have to look to God to help me get past the rocks in the way. Sometimes they are big but sometimes they are small. Either way they slow down the river and make a difference in the flow, just like in our lives.

Some rivers split into two different ones and go different ways. Suddenly, because their are two ways to go, you have a decision to make on which way to go. There will usually be one that’s easier than the other. Like the river splits our life does too. You have to decide if you want to follow God. God’s path is the one thats easier. It doesn’t mean that their won’t be as many obstacles, it means that God will help you the whole time and lead you the whole time. The other way will be hard to get through because no one will be there to lead you through it. Thats why you have a choice to make. I choose to follow God’s path.

Their are so many ways to compare my life to a river. Sometimes will be easier than others. It depends what point you are in the river which is your life. I choose God’s way to help me through the river of life.

Jesus’ Crucifixion


In Bible class we are learning some things about Jesus’ crucifixion. We learned about the last 7 words of Jesus and how they relate to us. We have posters around the room that relate to the last 7 words. On the posters we wrote ideas of how we can do it in our life.

Square Roots


Find the square root of 81. Find square roots you have to multiply to numbers until you get the square root it says to find. So we have to find the square root of 81 you do 9*9=81 so the square root of 81 is 9.

Screen Shot 2014-11-03 at 8.48.20 AMThis picture shows what a square root sign. At the top of the picture it has the answer which is 9. That how you figure out square roots.

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