Tech Video


Integer Exponents


In math this year I’ve learned how to simplify exponents and negative exponents. It’s called integer exponents. If you have a problem that is 3 to the 5 power you multiply 3 5 times. S you do 3*3*3*3*3= 243. If it’s a negative you would do 3 to the negative 5th power.  So you do 3*3*3*3*3= 1 over 243 b3cause it’s a negative.

Theme Writing


Theme Writing

They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the Earth, their words to the end of the world. Psalm 19:3-4

When we were at leadership camp last May we choose our theme “Shout Silently- Actions That Speak”. It means that we should speak with our actions. People should know we are christians because of our actions, not only the way we talk. As an eight grader I can use our theme “Shout Silently- Actions That Speak” at school and at home in lots of different ways.

At school I could help someone find their class room. Some of the younger kids don’t always know where to go when their are family groups because of all of the people in the hallway that is just one time I could do that. I also need to make sure I include others. I need to include someone if they are left out and not only hang out with my group of friends that I do now. Another thing I could work on is encouraging others too. I could also help someone if they are confused about homework for school that I get how to do.

This summer I went on a mission trip to Costa Rica and I think that is a good way to shout silently because we worked at a school and did service projects there so, we were using our actions. I also helped at my churches Vacation Bible School. I helped the kids with crafts and played with the kids too. At home I could help out without being asked. One example would be doing dishes. Another thing I could do at home is mow the lawn and just help out with things without being asked more.

As an eight grader I can use our theme “Shout Silently- Actions That Speak” at school and at home in lots of different ways. Anywhere I go I can serve God through my actions. We need to serve and not expect anything in return. This is something we all need to work on.

Economics In Africa


Photo on 6-4-14 at 12.45 PM

Book Review


Matched by Ally Condie

This book is about a girl named Cassia who lives in a place where society chooses everything for you. They choose where you live, work, and who you marry, but she doesn’t like that.

When you 16 you have you match banquet which is where they tell you who you will marry. Usually you have never meant  in your life, but Cassia gets match with one of her best friends Xander. She is really excited at first, but then she meets a boy names Ky who was adopted. After she gets to know him she starts to like him, which is bad because she is already matched with Xander and your no allowed to pick your own match.

I like how their is always something going on so you don’t get board with it.

I recommend this book to anyone who likes things that take place in the future and with a different life than we have. imgres

Edible Cell Project


In science class we had to create either an edible animal or plant cell. My partner Breanna and I decided to do an animal cell. W made ours out of jello, noodles, candy, cereal, marshmallow, m & m’s, and more things too. Screen Shot 2014-05-20 at 9.00.54 AM

The Lord’s Prayer


“Lead us not in to temptation but deliver us from evil.”

This is one small part of the Lord’s Prayer. I think this part is important because it is kind of shows us how we can’t do anything without God. He will help is if we are tempted by evil if we ask him to help. We can’t do it alone. If we ask God to help us fight against evil he will. No matter how strong the temptation is God is stronger than it.

Africa Entry Event


In social studies right now we are learning about Africa. On Thursday we all wrote down what we thought of when someone said the word Africa. When we all finished writing our ideas down we turned it into a wordle. Some of the biggest words that came up were people and poor. We had to explain what we wrote and why we thought that was a big word that came up. We think of the word poor because we hear at different places like church or something that we can give money to someone in Africa. The reality is that not all places in Africa are poor. Yes, some places are but their are some places where people are wealthier too. We came up with the word people because we always think of people being African America.

The next thing we did on Thursday was our teacher would show us a persons picture and we would have to write down if we thought they were born in Africa or not. It showed us that sometimes we just think they came from a certain place because of their skin color, but really you can’t tell from just their skin color where they came from.

One Friday we each got a playing card, and our teacher would call a number and if you have that number on your card you had to stand up. When we would stand up our teacher would tell us a fact about a country in Africa, like these people that are standing represent the people who are Christian or some something like that.

I learned that sometimes we think we know a lot about someones country when we really don’t. Also that we assume  that everyone in Africa has dark skin, but not everyone does.

Science Element Project


Adopt an Element

This is my adopt an element project.

Camp Reflection Day


At school was Camp Reflection Day. It was a day where we reflected on 7th Grade Camp that we had at the beginning of the school year. At camp camp we talked a lot about our 7th Grade theme, Who am I, Who are We, Who is He, and we wrote about that on Camp Reflection Day.

Who am I?

For my who am I card I wrote about myself, my relationship with God, and and more. I read some Bible verses that had to do with Who am I.

Who are We?

For the topic who are we I wrote about my grade and some of our goals we talked about from camp. Some of our goals were not having so many enclosed friend groups and being more open. For the enclosed friend group goal was that most of us had our friend groups figured out and so we were really close to them. We decided as a grade to open up our friend groups more so people feel invited in to other people friend groups and not closed up. We also talked about how we need to treat people the same way we want to be treated.

Who is He?

The last one was who is he. I wrote about my relationship with God and about Bible Verses I read I thought it was cool to reflect back on how God has been in my life and changed my life. When I reflected back I realized how much God has helped me this year and other years.

Here are some pictures of the cards I made and a list of the bible verses I looked up.

image Photo on 3-18-14 at 3.33 PM Photo on 3-18-14 at 3.40 PM #2 Photo on 3-18-14 at 3.40 PM Photo on 3-18-14 at 3.41 PM #2 Screen Shot 2014-03-18 at 3.35.16 PM Screen Shot 2014-03-18 at 3.38.01 PM Screen Shot 2014-03-18 at 3.38.33 PM Screen Shot 2014-03-18 at 3.39.26 PM Screen Shot 2014-03-18 at 3.39.40 PM

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