February 2018 archive

Newsletter 21: Week of February 25

Week Overview

It was a fast 4-day week! We were able to accomplish so much learning. Your kids are working super hard and are growing so much!

Important Dates

February 28: All School Chapel 9:00- Everyone is welcome!

March 5: PT Conferences (optional) and No school

March 5: PT Conferences (optional)


  • Field Trips: This week I sent 2 SignUp Genius emails- one for Visser Farms in March and anther with both Critter Barn in April and Farmers Market in June. Several of you have already signed up. Thank you! If you would like to join us for any of these last 3 trips, please access the SignUp Genius for Visser Farm here and the other two trips here. Thank you!
  • Parent Teacher Conferences: A handful of you have signed up for conferences and also let me know that you’d like to meet. Thank you so much! PT conferences are optional this time. This will be the last reminder to please email me to let me know if you have registered for a conference and what you would like to talk about. That information is helpful for me to prepare. Thank you to everyone who has emailed me so far!
  • Snow Clothes: think we’re approaching spring?! With that comes some funky weather. Please do make sure that your students have the appropriate snow gear. Our playground stays wet and muddy long after much of the snow has melted. Boots are a great idea too. My rule of thumb is usually “if mom or dad sent you to school with it, you must wear it.” Sometimes I make exceptions for the spring days with drastic temperature changes between morning and afternoon. Thank you for your help!
  • attendance@zcs.orgSickness has been creeping into our classroom! If your child will not be at school for a planned or unplanned absence, please email attendance@zcs.org to let the office know in addition to letting me know. You can forward the same email to me… whatever is easier. 🙂 If you will be gone for several days, you only need to send 1 email with all of the days you plan to be gone. Thank you!
  • Spanish Immersion Camp: Signup is open. Please help us to spread the word for our Spanish Summer Camp. Family, relatives and neighbors are welcome to come to me immersed in awesome games, familiar stories, new songs, and exciting crafts that are all taught COMPLETELY in the Spanish language. If you have any questions please contact Mari at mklompmaker@zcs.org. Here is the link for you to sign up zcs-expanded-summer-2018


Bible: We began our unit on miracles! This week we learned about Jesus helping the men catch lots of fish when they cast their net on the other side of their boat. We also learned about the day Jesus calmed the storm.

Miracles Bible Verse: Pidan, y se les dará; busquen, y encontrarán; llamen, y se les abrirá. Mateo 7:7

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” Matthew 7:7


  • Reading strategy: Visualizing
  • Read aloud: El ratoncito, la fresa roja y  madura, y el gran oso hambriento
  • Vocabulary words
    • fresa (strawberry)
    • madura (ripe)
    • la planta (plant)
    • el oso (bear
    • el ratón (rat)
  • Word wall word: quiero (I want)
  • Phrase of the week: Tengo __ años ___. (I’m ___ years old.)
  • Letter of the week: Qq

Math: In math we practiced classifying according to different attributes.

Writing Workshop: Your kids did a great job on their pattern books! On Tuesday we shared our published pieces with friends and celebrated!

Exploring God’s World: We began a unit called Is It Living? On Friday we classified things as living and nonliving.

Up in Lights: William was Up in Lights this week! It was fun to see him in the spotlight! He showed us a book with LOTS of different ways to make paper airplanes. His daddy helped him fold one for us and everyone got to take one home. It was an exciting presentation! Thank you William! We love you!

From The Immersion Coordinator, Jodi Pierce

Are there any students who should not be in an immersion program?
As we are in the middle of enrollment time, this is a question I hear from prospective parents and it is one to which we try to send a clear and unified response. There are no prerequisites or limiting factors as families consider immersion; all students can benefit from an immersion program and research shows us that children will perform at a similar level regardless of the language of instruction. So if you encounter other parents who are considering immersion for their child, you can also join us in saying that immersion is an option for all children.

Newsletter 20: Week of February 18

Week Overview

It was an exciting week to be a kindergartener! On Wednesday we celebrated our 100th day of school. It was a very special day of reflecting on God’s faithfulness over the past 100 days. THANK YOU to those of you who donated snacks and other supplies to help make our 100th day of school celebration possible! We also celebrated Valentine’s Day. We reflected on God’s love for us and our love for each other. Thank you, again, to those of you who helped by donating supplies, running centers, and helping your child bring valentines to pass out. 
On Friday we practiced the procedure for a lockdown drill. One of the students said, “This really happened in a school this week.” That comment sparked a beautiful conversation. I think it’s important that I share with you how I handled this conversation. I told the kids that, yes, a person who wasn’t loving Jesus decided he wanted to hurt some of the people at a school in Florida. I reminded them that, while there are bad people in the world, we have a God who is stronger than even the strongest bad person. We can trust Him and we don’t need to be afraid. He loves us and protects us always. When we were gathered in the bathroom, our hiding place for lockdown drills, we prayed for the people in Florida and all schools everywhere.

Important Dates

February 19: President’s Day break – No School (Preschool-8th)

February 28: All School Chapel 9:00


  • Parent Teacher Conferences: Spring conferences are quickly approaching. This year ZCS has decided that conferences are optional, which is different from the past. If you would like to sit down face to face to celebrate your child please sign up for a 15 minute time slot. (I sent an email a week or so ago with instructions to sign up for a conference beginning February 21.) If you choose to have a conference, during this time I will share celebrations about your child’s spiritual, emotional, and academic growth. If you receive a personal email from me, that simply means I’d like you to sign up for a conference. This doesn’t mean I am necessarily concerned, but that I feel face to face time would be good. If you do not receive an email, you may choose if you’d like to sign up. Please know that if you don’t sign up I won’t be sending home any updated assessment information. If you will be requesting a conference, please let me know by February 21 so that I can begin preparing for our time together. You have until February 28 to sign up for a time slot, but that date doesn’t give me much time to prep for our conference. Thanks for your help! 
  • Snow Clothes: think we’re approaching spring?! With that comes some funky weather. Please do make sure that your students have their snow pants. Our playground stays wet and muddy long after much of the snow has melted. Boots are a great idea too. Thank you!
  • attendance@zcs.orgSickness has been creeping into our classroom! If your child will not be at school for a planned or unplanned absence, please email attendance@zcs.org to let the office know in addition to letting me know. You can forward the same email to me… whatever is easier. 🙂 If you will be gone for several days, you only need to send 1 email with all of the days you plan to be gone. Thank you!
  • Spanish Immersion Camp: Signup is open. Please help us to spread the word for our Spanish Summer Camp. Family, relatives and neighbors are welcome to come to me immersed in awesome games, familiar stories, new songs, and exciting crafts that are all taught COMPLETELY in the Spanish language. If you have any questions please contact Mari at mklompmaker@zcs.org. Here is the link for you to sign up zcs-expanded-summer-2018


Bible: We finished our unit on Jesus’ ministry with the story of the Samaritan Woman.

February Bible Verse: Pidan, y se les dará; busquen, y encontrarán; llamen, y se les abrirá. Mateo 7:7

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” Matthew 7:7

Literacy: We spent some time reviewing nouns and verbs as well as many of the letters we have studied so far this year. We practiced these concepts in writing workshop, exploring God’s world, our Valentine’s Day and 100th day celebrations and daily 5.

In case you missed it last time, RazKids is an app we’ve been using often in our classroom. It’s also something you can use to practice reading, in Spanish or in English, with your child at home.

Kids A-Z Login Instructions:

  • Step 1: Go to http://www.kidsa-z.com
  • Step 2: Enter or choose my username, mizenbaard
  • Step 3: Your child finds his or her username on the class chart.
  • Step 4: Your child enters his or her password (Touch the airplane.)

Math: In math we talked about how to show numbers using groups of 5 and “extras.” We are focusing on numbers 6-10 right now.

Writing Workshop: Kindergarteners “fixed and fancied” their favorite pattern book. We look forward to celebrating this coming Tuesday!

Exploring God’s World: We finished our unit on motion by looking for real life examples of when we use push, pull, and gravity.

Up in Lights: Brayden was up in lights this week! He shared his passion for legos and his favorite taste, chocolate chip cookies. We love you, Brayden! You are one amazing kid!

From The Immersion Coordinator, Jodi Pierce

We made the news! Check out this clip of some of our Mandarin students singing on Thursday morning on Fox 17 News: http://fox17online.com/2018/02/15/students-from-zeeland-christian-school-perform-preview-of-lunar-new-year-celebration/. It is great to see our students be able to use their language in the community both on TV and at the Lunar New Year Festival at DeVos Place.

Newsletter 19: Week of February 11

Week Overview

It’s been another awesome week of kindergarten! We are so grateful for the days we get to spend with your children! Last week we finished assessing for report cards. We’re thrilled with the progress the kids are making and excited to see them continue to grow as we begin the 2nd semester! God is SO good! 

Important Dates

February 13: 100th Day – Your child may dress up like a super hero or princess

February 14: Valentine’s Day – Please see the note below about valentines.

February 19: President’s Day break – No School (Preschool-8th)

February 28: All School Chapel 9:00


  • Spanish Immersion Camp: Signup is open. Please help us to spread the word for our Spanish Summer Camp. Family, relatives and neighbors are welcome to come to me immersed in awesome games, familiar stories, new songs, and exciting crafts that are all taught COMPLETELY in the Spanish language. If you have any questions please contact Mari at mklompmaker@zcs.org. Here is the link for you to sign up zcs-expanded-summer-2018
  • In February, Kindergarteners at ZCS collect money for our sister school in the Philippines. This is a beautiful way for the kids to show love to their neighbors far away. A handout with more information will be going home next week, but for now, please put it on your radar and begin thinking of ways your child might be able to be extra helpful around the house to earn money for our sponsor school.
  • Valentine’s Day: We’re looking forward to celebrating friendship and being extra mindful of Jesus’ command to love one another on Wednesday. February 14! Kids will participate in a variety of math and literacy centers, including passing out valentines. If you are going to do valentines (yes, this is optional!) we ask that you please leave the “To:__” section blank. If you choose to bring valentines, please be sure there are enough for every classmate.
  • 100th Day: Your kids have worked so hard for 100 days of school! We plan on celebrating on Tuesday February 13. If your child would like to dress up as a superhero or princess, they are welcome to! We are eagerly expecting a visit from Zero the Hero! 🙂


Bible: We continue learning about Jesus’ ministry, focusing on the stories of Mary and Martha and the Samaritan Woman this week. When we read about Mary and Martha we learned that Jesus wants to spend time with us! Later that day, we all spent a few quiet minutes by ourselves with Jesus. During this time each child illustrated our January Bible verse for their spiritual journal, a collection of “artifacts” we will build from kindergarten-8th grade at ZCS.

February Bible Verse: Pidan, y se les dará; busquen, y encontrarán; llamen, y se les abrirá. Mateo 7:7

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” Matthew 7:7


This week Maestra Medrano dressed up as “Victoria la vaquera” (Victoria, the cowgirl.) The kids helped her round up her vacas (cows) by looking for the vacas with the letter Vv in their names. In grammar she put on a puppet show with puppets who gave each other commands using the yo (I) and tu (you) forms of verbs.

  • Phrase of the week: Hoy es ___. (Today is ___.)
  • Letter of the week/Handwriting letter: Vv

In Daily 5 the kids have been working hard listening to books using an app called RazKids. This is an online application that allows me to choose books for kids to listen to at each student’s specific reading levels. It’s also a tool you can use from home if you choose to. (The app is free!) Please see the instructions below.

Kids A-Z Login Instructions:

  • Step 1: Go to http://www.kidsa-z.com
  • Step 2: Enter or choose my username, mizenbaard
  • Step 3: Your child finds his or her username on the class chart.
  • Step 4: Your child enters his or her password (Touch the airplane.)

Math: In math we talked about how to show numbers using groups of 5 and “extras.” We are focusing on numbers 6-10 right now.

Writing Workshop: Every child wrote their very own pattern book from start to finish this week! They chose from several different patterns and practiced keeping the pattern and theme consistent for the entire book! We’re also beginning to talk more about starting our sentences with an uppercase letter and finishing them with punctuation.

From The Immersion Coordinator, Jodi Pierce

Do you want to learn more about immersion education?
add.a.lingua has some great resources for parents who want to learn more about our approach to immersion education. Visit http://addalingua.com/parent and scroll down a little. You will be able to access their Informed Parent Guide for free. Through this, they strive to empower parents with excellent research-based information about immersion.

Newsletter 18: Week of February 4

Week Overview

This week the kids made huge gains in their second language acquisition! They are motivated and excited and even remind each other to stay in Spanish at times. We started by explaining the purpose of staying in Spanish- to build confidence and grow toward bilingualism. We reminded them that they have the power of the Holy Spirit in them and that God helps us do even the hard things. Please continue to pray for your kids as they continue working toward the goal of Spanish only in our classroom.


Thank you for loving on me so well on my 28 2/3 birthday! Coffee, pizza, and a yummy homemade dinner and breakfast for Saturday morning! You may have to roll me through the halls on Monday morning. That was a lot of good eats! 🙂 The clutch is so cute. We’ll definitely be enjoying the candy during the game tonight. I can’t wait until our mudroom is finished so I can pick out a command center on Etsy with the gift card! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for making me feel so special! It’s an honor to do life with you all!


Important Dates

February 9: NO PM Bus – NO Hot Lunch

February 13: 100th Day – Your child may dress up like a super hero or princess

February 14: Valentine’s Day – Please see the note below about valentines.

February 19: President’s Day break – No School (Preschool-8th)

February 28: All School Chapel 9:00


  • Kindergarten/Young 5’s Registration: Tuesday, February 6 6:45PM (online) More information regarding Kindergarten can be found here. Registration can be done here.
  • Spanish Immersion Camp: Signup is open. Please help us to spread the word for our Spanish Summer Camp. Family, relatives and neighbors are welcome to come to me immersed in awesome games, familiar stories, new songs, and exciting crafts that are all taught COMPLETELY in the Spanish language. If you have any questions please contact Mari at mklompmaker@zcs.org. Here is the link for you to sign up zcs-expanded-summer-2018
  • In February, Kindergarteners at ZCS collect money for our sister school in the Philippines. This is a beautiful way for the kids to show love to their neighbors far away. A handout with more information will be going home next week, but for now, please put it on your radar and begin thinking of ways your child might be able to be extra helpful around the house to earn money for our sponsor school.
  • Valentine’s Day: We’re looking forward to celebrating friendship and being extra mindful of Jesus’ command to love one another on Wednesday. February 14! Kids will participate in a variety of math and literacy centers, including passing out valentines. If you are going to do valentines (yes, this is optional!) we ask that you please leave the “To:__” section blank. If you choose to bring valentines, please be sure there are enough for every classmate.
  • 100th Day: Your kids have worked so hard for 100 days of school! We plan on celebrating on Tuesday February 13. If your child would like to dress up as a superhero or princess, they are welcome to! We are eagerly expecting a visit from Zero the Hero! 🙂


Bible: We continue learning about Jesus’ ministry. We read about Nicodemus and Zacchaeus. The Holy Spirit changed these men’s hearts when they believed in Jesus. We discussed that the Holy Spirit changes our hearts too when we decide to follow Jesus.

Monday I hope to assess the January Bible verse. The kids did a wonderful job. I think they’re enjoying the Steve Green song. Our next verse is below. It will be a focal point during our next Bible unit on Jesus’ miracles.

Pidan, y se les dará; busquen, y encontrarán; llamen, y se les abrirá. Mateo 7:7

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” Matthew 7:7

Literacy: In grammar we began to conjugate verbs! I remember this being very hard when I learned Spanish in school, but the beautiful thing about choosing immersion for your children is that they have been conjugating verbs from the very first sentences they spoke! Children in immersion are constantly attending to language and looking for patterns. This week we just put a “grammar rule” to a pattern your children have been observing since day 1- first person singular present tense verbs. We learned that these verbs usually end in o, for example, camino (I walk,) or hablo (I talk.)

  • Reading strategy: Visualizing
  • Read aloud: Los pollitos dicen
  • Vocabulary words
    • los pollitos (chicks)
    • el trigo (wheat)
    • el conejo (rabbit)
    • el maíz (corn)
    • las alas (wings)
  • Word wall word: son (to be  in 3rd person plural tense)
  • Phrase of the week: Yo sé. (I know.)
  • Letter of the week/Handwriting Letter: Ff

Math: In math we continued talking about parts or partners in addition problems using unifix cubes and centimeter cubes.

Writing Workshop: We continued to talk about pattern books.  This week we created two new class pattern books- one with the pattern Yo veo and another with a new pattern, Me gusta, for the kids who were ready for that challenge.

Up in Lights: Norah was Up in Lights this week. She showed us highlights of growing up to be a kindergartener in her homemade video. Then she gave us a slime demonstration! I see a new version of Aaron’s Thinking Puddy coming out in stores with her name on it someday! God has given you many gifts, Norah! We love you!

From The Immersion Coordinator, Jodi Pierce

What are your immersion stories?
As immersion parents, we understand that our children are on a unique path in the education; certain concepts are taught and/or realized at unexpected ages, language is used or manipulated in comical ways, and our children have opportunities to use their language in exciting situations. I would love to hear your stories! Please consider sharing the encouraging, meaningful, confusing, and comical stories of immersion with me in person or via email (jpierce@zcs.org). While I will definitely respect everyone’s privacy, these anecdotes are encouraging for teachers as well as for current and prospective parents.