Boston Massacre Made By Matthew Voskuil YT


      Made By: Matthew Voskuil

I wrote this for my social studies because we are doing a project on the boston massacre and we had to write a 5 paragraph SA so this is what i wrote and this is all that i studied to figure out and then write this so this is my SA. One night terror broke out in the middle of boston. Which started a riot known as the boston massacre there were gunshots which came from the soldiers because of one angry american colonist and one british soldier trying to defend himself.


Arguement #1: No One Knows who started the boston massacre it’s been a argument for a long time people say the british started it because they shot and then more shots they claim the british started it. But there is so much evidence that the british did not start it so what now?


Arguement #2:hitting the british soldier was not right to do because it can easily trigger a mechanism in the brain to make someone us their self defence so the person who hit the british should have thought twice before hitting the british soldier


Arguement #3: The British seem totally innocent right but no the British know when they’re suppose to shoot so y did they say that when the soldier shot that is was a command wouldn’t the soldiers have another sign that show if they have to shoot right not?


Conclusion: So my conclusion is after my research that it’s basically never been a mystery who started the boston massacre because it’s so obvious………. They Both Started it. If are you surprised
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             probably not because there’s so much evidence everyone has been arguing about it but that just shows that they both started it because in the first place let’s review. So as you know the american colonists were drunk and they were the ones calling the british bad stuff and they started the riot right? So if they started they riot that means they started everything because they have been throwing stuff at the british and hitting them so it seems obvious right but it’s not. So you may be asking yourself if he’s on the british side then why is he saying they both did it well i will explain that. So the american colonists started it but the british were the ones who shot and they should know better to not shot just because one other person did because they won the war so the british started the massacre after the american colonists started the riot so that means they both had a role to play in starting the bloody massacre/riot so that means they both did it. Hope you enjoyed this hopefully this will inspire you to do your own research and make your own conclusion because this is mine so thank you for reading this.

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