Reading Response

The book I’m reading is called Pretties.Its about Tally.she lives in a place where when you turn 16 you become “pretty”.How this happens is you have surgery.What the people who turn pretty don’t know is that when you have the surgery you become dumb and forget things from before you were pretty.But Tally ran away, to the smoke before she turned 16.Then Maddy her friends mom came up with a cure because she was a doctor before her husband and her ran away and made the smoke.So Tally became pretty and took the pills to make her not dumb.


My books point of view is 3rd.she remembered what David had told her about the smoke.she stared at him,finally understanding.she remembered traveling to the smoke through the ancient forest that had been devastated by the rusties biologically engineered weeds.He rolled his eyes.Her eyes followed the length of the tether.

A question I have is will the cure work on Tally and Zane or will they become dumber?The author kept me interested because he tells you a little of what happens but not all at the same time.What puzzled me is why shay,Tally’s ex best friend,cut her arm with a knife and let it bleed?I like how the author gives good detail because it make you feel like you’re really there.Another question I have is what happened to David and where did all the new smokies go?

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