Thank You God For Family

  Letters To God

            By:Nolan Mannes


#1 Dear God thank you for having safety in my family,

and that we have love in my family also.

And that they take care of me. I will obey, respect, and pray!


#2 God thank you for my family, like my siblings. I will love and

   respect others. And I am also thankful for wisdom in my family.


#3 I will love my brother, and my parents, and I will pray for them.

Thank you for love, and food, and water to live.

I will give thanks, and love everybody.

Three Goals For How I Want to Love and Serve Others

Three Goals For How I Want to Love and Serve Others

By: Nolan Mannes


Goal #1 Sometimes when I judge people, of how they look.

Even if they look bad, that doesn’t mean you can judge them.



(that’s because everyone is an image-bearer of God)


Goal #2 Sometimes I see people on the ground, and I always wonder why. So this time I

     walked over to them and noticed that they are hurt.

So I help them up!

So when I know they are hurt I pray for them, even if it’s somebody that’s mean, I will pray for them.


Goal #3 Sometimes when I am playing basketball or something, I see somebody

and I include them!

So when I’m playing I encourage them!

Shout Silently

When we act like Jesus it’s the good way! But when we act like Satan, it’s the super bad way!!

It is good to do the Jesus way, because he is our EVERYTHING!!!!!

We all love God because we are his people and we love him!

We are his sheep and he is the Shepard.

By: Nolan Mannes:)