Proyecto Final de Estudio Sociales

Photo on 6-8-16 at 9.57 AM #2


¿Quién somos?

Yo aprendí que en otros lugares del mundo las personas tienen mucho menos que nosotros en los Estados Unidos. Y que con la ayuda de solo algunas personas, otras personas en el otro lado del mundo pueden tener una experiencia muy buena para su vida. Yo quiero empezar a mi propio negocio cuando soy un adulto asique yo puedo sentir todo lo que estas personas sienten cuando ellos reciben su propio negocio. Creo que las personas que reciben sus negocios sienten como si ellos tienen un nuevo comienzo a sus vidas y creen que ellos pueden dar comida a sus hijos.


¿Quién es Él?

Yo creo que Dios se revela a sí mismo con las personas que reciben a estos negocios y con sus trabajos. Porque las personas que reciben tan poco tienen mucha alegria. Y esto se enseña que no es tan dificil ayudar a alguien y con poner una sonrisa en la cara de alguien que no siente amado. Jesús nos encenõ amar a nuestros amigos y a los que no conocemos. Asique con ayudar a alguien estamos enseñando el amor de Cristo. Y si muchas personas enseñan el amor de Cristo a algunas personas puede cambiar mucho. Jesús también dijo que necesitamos seguir sus acciones. Jesús ayudó a muchas personas durante su vida. Entonces nosotros debemos ayudar a otros también.


¿Quién soy yo?

Esta tema me ha afectado porque yo vi que con solo dar un poco una persona puede recibir mucho. Yo he visto que yo tengo mucho más que las personas en los países pobres. Esto me he enseñado que yo tengo mucho más que las personas en otros lugares del mundo. También que cuando alguien recibe $100, es mucho dinero. Pero cuando yo recibo $100 es mucho pero no tanto como las personas en África. Mi perspectiva ha cambiado, ahora cuando yo recibo dinero yo recuerdo que es más que otra persona ha recibido en una semana de trabajo.



Las microfinanzas son muy buenas para las personas en otros lugares que no pueden hacer dinero facilmente. Para empezar una microempresa los microempresarios van a un banco especial y toman $100 para empezar su negocio. Después van y compran todo lo que necesitan para empezar. Luego empiezan a trabajar y hacer dinero. Cuando tienen $100 traen el dinero al banco otra vez y continúan su negocio y hacen dinero para sus familias.


Llamada a Acción:

Solo tienes que recordar que un poco de dinero, es mucho dinero en otros lugares del mundo. Yo voy a recordar que si yo gasto dinero alguien podría estar usando esto para mucho. Cuando yo estuve en 4to grado yo hize dinero para pozos en África. Es solo $100 para hacer un pozo para una ciudad entera. No toma mucho para hacer una diferencia en la vida de una persona o de muchas.


Galátas 5:14

“En efecto, toda la ley se resume en un solo mandamiento: Ama a tu prójimo como a ti mismo.”

While the World Watched

While the World Watched

This book was about the segregation that was happening in the the south and how it affected the living and the childhood of many people. And there are few who still live to tell the story because of dieing during this time. The author of this book was a girl who lived during this time and had many life changing experiences. The beginning of the book talks about the bombing and the killing of her four friends at the church in Birmingham. She was in the church when the bomb went off. She has nightmares about it all of the time because she thinks why was it them and not me she was in the bathroom that was bombed just a few minutes before the bomb went off. She goes on to talk about the families of her friends and her life without her friends. She also talks about how she went through depression and how she used alcohol to try and forget the bombing. This book was an eye opener in many ways. It was a book that I would not read on my own but that was very interesting and something I can learn from. I think that I can learn from what happened in the past to change what I want to happen in the future. I think that the biggest thing that stood out was that these people did absolutely nothing yet they were punished. They could not choose to be black, so they should be treated the same as all of the other people. I think that if everyone was white the world would be really boring. There would be no difference in between people and I think that it is great that there are different races in the world. Even if only one black person did something bad, all of the rest of the blacks would be punished for that. If there was a time travel machine I would go back and try and do something to help the people who were in these situations. I would be very frustrated if I was a black back then and was judged just by the color of my skin. In the future if this ever happened again I would be a person who would stand up for the blacks and show them kindness. Which was one thing that surprised me that not very many whites stood up for the blacks. Even if this were to happen again I think that there would be a lot more whites who would stand up for the blacks. But I know that there would still be people who like segregation and I know that they are still out in the world today. I think that there are also some blacks that do not like whites because of what happened in the past. And me as a white girl can not change the past, but I can change the future and make sure that if this were to ever happen again I would stand up for the blacks and colored.

I learned that there was bad things in the past that can still scare people like Carolyn. And that she could take the path of forgiveness. If I was her and had to forgive the people who killed my best friends I would want to kill them. And if this happened to me I would not want to talk to anyone and I would want to stay by myself. I would not like to be around people especially the ones of the race that killed my friends. I don’t know how Carolyn could even come to live with and around white people, I would hate them so much for the rest of my life. I think that if Carolyn could forgive something that big I should be able to easily be able to forgive small things. We as white people need to show that if we were alive during that time we would care for them because then they can gain trust with us and not hate us. And they also need to know that we would show love and kindness to them if this ever happened again. I also think that me as a human should care about others and want to help. I know and have friends who are black and I would be really sad if they were going to jail for just the color of their skin. The things that this book shows can really help us in our everyday lives because we would be able to show love to everyone knowing what has happened to them in the past. There are lots of people who were affected by the bombing and buy the other problems in Birmingham at that time that are still alive and that still feel the pain of the segregation.