Themes of the Bible


God created everything and he wants a relationship with us even if we sin, but that doesn’t mean that we should still sin. Jesus wants a relationship with you because he is loving, caring. God gave and changed people’s names based on their meaning and personality. Names showed a person’s character or what their heart was like. I chose the picture of a rose because that’s what my name means, a rose. I think a rose means a way of happiness and I’m very happy person. I learned that every person has the name they were given for a reasoning.There is a meaning behind everybody’s names. Like God’s name means creator because he created everything we have today.

Symbol of a lamp

God promised that through David the “lamp” will never go out because he will lead all Christians. David was after God’s own heart even though he made mistakes. David’s life eventually leads to Jesus who’s the ultimate light, of the whole world. I put a picture of a light bulb because it’s used to get you out of the darkness. A light bulb reminds me of Moses when God picked him to lead the people out of Egypt and into a safe place. Moses was a lamp threw God. I learned that Jesus is like lamp showing us a way to God step by step.

 Conflict and doubt 

Israel’s name means struggle with God since they struggle a lot to keep the 10 commandments. The story of Jacob shows how he literally struggled With God. God knows that we will doubt and question him. Those times of questioning does not make you a non christian. God will surround you with the right people in life to support, and love you. God will always stay faithful when we do not in life and in everything. I choose a picture of an adoption paper because that was a time in my life when I was doubting God and thinking I wasn’t going to be adopted. God will always do what is best for you and your future even if it’s bad,or good. You just have to stop question and believe that he knows what he’s doing.


God asked Jacob, Isaac, and Abraham to follow his call to a different land. God promised them that they would become great nations and God fulfilled that promise. God still calls us today to do different things but we might not know it. listen for God’s holy spirit when he’s trying to tell you something. Trust and obey God to guide you through life. I learned that God calls his people for many reasons, and that we just need to trust him. I picked this picture of my Mom and Dad because they were called by God to adopt 4 kids from Ethiopia and they trusted God. God sends people to do different thing so be prepared.


 A Savior 

The people could not keep the Sinai covenant so God offered them a new covenant. The new covenant would be written on their hearts, and they would not need sacrifices since Jesus was the sacrifice for them. The Sinai was a lot different from the David covenant. Jeremiah gave the new covenant based on God’s grace and forgiveness for everyone and everything. Isaiah gave many pictures of the savior. I put a picture of a communion because it’s a way we celebrate Jesus and his body and flesh and that he sacrificed himself for us. I learned that back in the olden times there were many covenants and that not everybody kept them. We have to learn to keep all laws and covenants we are given in order to live with God in heaven.

Sent to a promised land 

In instance people had to trust God to lead them to where they need to go. Moses and the people had to trust God to hold the water so they could cross to the other side. Obey God and you will get a blessing, disobey then it’s a curse. Here’s a question you should really think about, “Who this day will you serve?”. I put a picture of a big family because I was adopted into an awesome family. Getting adopted represents being led by God to a promised land. I learned that you just gotta trust God and he will lead you into your promised land, when it’s time.

Slide of destruction Topic 

Israel had one very good king but still decided to worship Baal. Judah had two kings, but the rest of them worship idols so the Babylonians took over. Kings cared more about power, and having popularity instead of God’s law. Listen to the Prophets God put in your life even if you wan’t to deny him. There are always consequences for doing things your way instead of God’s way. I learned that everybody wants and focuses on popularity and forgets about God. Being yourself, having the right friends, and loving God is what you need not popularity. I picked a picture that shows a good side, and a bad side of a picture. The bad side being popularity and wanting everything and the Good side showing God’s words, happiness.


Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers, but yet he helped his family survive the famen. Moses was born into slavery yet led the people out of Egypt to safety. God is faithful, unchanging,present today just as he was for Joseph and Moses back in the biblical times. I learned that God never changes and is present everyday. He’s with you every moment and is going through everything by your side. I put a picture of a rock because it reminded me of God and how he lives forever and never changes. God will always be forever presents like for the people in the Biblical time.