
God Parting the Sea for his people. When God parted the sea so that his people could get through gives so much hope. It gives me hope because he has amazing powers and can control anything. I know that a lot of bad stuff happen but it’s all for a reason,God know what he’s doing. Like when all the people were scared because they thought they wouldn’t make it but then God open the sea so that they would be okay. The corona is something bad happening but God has a plan for whats going to happen after words we just need to stay still and wait.




What did you learn or think about the most this week from our theme “The Psalms teach us to sing praise to God.” Was there a phrase from a Psalm that stood out? What praise do you sing to God right now? I learned that if we just stay still and don’t stress we will be fulfilled.I also learned that God’s wings are shelter to those who don’t have homes.I think the Psalms were a good subject because we used them all kinds of different way. “Gods love endures Forever.” stood out to me because I think it was short, simple but meaningful. I don’t really know what part I’m singing out loud but If I had to pick probably “Gods love endures Forever.” 

Tell a story about a time that was difficult this week. What happened? Were there things that comforted you at all? When me and my siblings fought. We just at each other and know how to annoy one another.It get when we fight because we can’t go anywhere so were stuck at the house together witch creates tension. Listening to music really helped me, it makes go to my own world. Talking a walk helped get all the negative stuff out of my head.

Tell a story about something this week that you were proud of. What happened? Who was a part of making it happen? When I Helped around the house with doing the laundry, sweeping, cleaning mudroom, and braiding my sisters hair.I usually do this stuff but really thinking about it makes me proud.I can not do it or just do it half way but I still do it even though I don’t want to.I braid my little sister hair and can I say I looks “AMAZING!”My sisters do the stuff to like folding the laundry with me and helping around the house.


Describe the activities that you are doing to help pass the time once your homework is finished. Possible examples-bike riding, painting, board games, puzzles, texting friends…  I text my friends to find out what their doing usually. I’ve been thinking about doing art like painting, drawing or doing some kind of craft. I play games and do just dance on our Wii for some exercise when the weather is bad outside witch is everyday.Watching TV is kinda popular at our house. We’ve been watching very good movies and shows.

Describe a time or times when you were kind since we shifted to online learning. Describe a time when someone has been kind to you since we shifted to online learning. I made coffee for Kb today just to be nice since he was doing chores. I braided Avah’s hair so it’s not frizzy. I’ve being helping out around the house.My sister Myla tought me hoe to make banana bread since I had to learn how to Cook/Bake for the passion which was really nice of her. My Mom got us chocolate for Easter add it was really good.

What verse(s) stood out to you? Why? Pslam 61 because it was the shortest one.

What image do you see when you think of that verse? Big wings covering somebody in the cold.

What “artistic position” would you draw for this Psalm? Two big wings or A big cross.

What could you connect from your life with that Psalm (could be before covid19 or after it)? What do you notice about God in this Psalm? During this time God is protecting us in his wings where there’s shelter.

Is there a song or tune that fits with this Psalm? I surrender by Hillsong Worship.

How does this Psalm talk about listening to God? Be still and listen to God and you will be fulfilled. 


Week Reflection

How have you experienced God lately? How are you praying to see God’s presence in the world?                   I’ve seen God through all the Doctors. Through all the people who are spreading positive news. I’m praying that God will stop this at one point. I hope all the people who are sick know that God has a plan. I really hope everything will be okay soon.

Describe a time when you were playing outside since the “Stay at Home” went into effect. What did you do? What was the weather like? How did the outside time make you feel? Me and my sisters were outside and the weather was cold but nice. We went on a walk around a pond and breathed in the fresh air. After a while we decided to make some TikTok’s and it was fun. Being outside made me feel good like I could do anything but I can’t

Describe one highlight and one “low-light” since your last blog post. One highlight was watching Knives out with my whole family. It was a really good and full of mystery. The ending of the movie was really unexpected and fun. One low-light  was finding out we couldn’t go Florida for spring break. We were looking forward to seeing the sun and swimming.