African Union Day

African Union Day was about how are county(that we are working on for school can help Burundi with all the conflict. We all(7th grade) gathered in a room and we got in are goups and tought how we could help. Once we found out what we were going to do we have to share in front of everyone and get signatories for are resolution.

I learned a lot more about Burundi and the conflict. I also learned about the other counties and their problems. My favorite thing that happened was what we were going to help them move to a different and restart their lives and get to safety.

Invictus Response

The guards at the beginning they did not like anybody. But then later on in the movie they started to play rugby and at the end of the game they were happy because they won. But then in the car they were smiling and they did not care what color they were. It is not like best friends but it is better than when they started.

It represents South Africa because they changed about color and they all live together now. They also gave blacks and colors the rights to do anything whites can do.