Volcano Project


The whole project went well to only problem was we would always run out of play doe. So we would have to stop make more play doe and then add it on, But once we got the right amount of play doe the whole volcano when together. The one major problem we had was that the play doe we would add would slowly slide down the structure. We decided to make a cinder cone volcano, but once we finished the top of the volcano did not look like a cinder cone so we redid the top and it looks pretty good(except for the play doe sliding down.

Gods Preparation

I have seen God try to help with some struggles like Spanish and try to turn them around. An example being I did not have the best Spanish score last year, but this year I seem to be doing a lot better than last year. I also see God trying to get me to help other and to give to the poor and now if I see someone that needs help I will try to stop and help them. But like the verse said about if someone has a splitter in there eye and you have a board in your help your self first and then help then. That is what I fell God is leading me to help or get better at and you never now maybe I will do a lot of mission work were I will need some of the stuff he is helping me threw.

Why is it important that we study Christian persecution

I think it is important so that we can learn about how the disciples died to show God is real. It also shows us what some people in other countries are going threw and how good we have it in the USA. We can also learn how we can help the people in the other country’s like we could go on mission trips or give money to them to help them.

Math project reveiw

We did our project on how a family goes to their grandma’s house and has Lunch after church. But they forgot that they had a party at the church later. They needed a faster route than the other way they took so they went straight to church. We drew a map of the distance they traveled the first time which was the longest route and then the way they took straight to church.Photo on 1-8-16 at 8.47 AM

Thematic Writing

                 Thematic Writing


I am going to do the outsiders because I can not think about another and one of the issue that the main character has is how he is smart and he likes to do stuff that most greasers don’t normally do like reading and watching movies and so on he also doesn’t runs into the problem of his brother getting mad at him and slapping him and then he runs of with his friend and then some socs came to jump them and they started to drown ponyboy but then they ran off and when he brought his head out of the water he realized that Johnny had killed a kid and then they run of and live in a church for a week and then they left and the church got caught on fire and they noticed some kids were in the church and so they went in and saved them but johnny broke his back and had to stay in a hospital and died in the hospital This story is teaching me about how life doesn’t always go your way and that there is always a reason I think but I also believe that if you don’t go out and live your life you will be miserable and it is always going to be an adventure and life will never be easy I believe that living your life is good even if it fails because if you didn’t get to deep into whatever you want to do then you can always go and start a new job, or vacation, of just life because life is just too good to just sit around and do nothing and go to work and come home and sleep and get up and go to work and ext. so we should go out and live your life you also should not go against God’s word because he is our God and we should respect him and obey him because he is the king of all or the smartest man alive he is our God If ponyboy had not have all of this happen he would have not had his brothers and if he did go back it would have gone back to normal and Soda would have been super mad and sad because he would have not had a chat with soda in the woods and him and Darry would not have promised to not fight and he would have not figured out about his friends and all that stuff so I think tha moral of the story is that you need to live your life and so you should go out and live your life and so get out there.


The lesson of the book to me is saying. That we should Love our brothers and sisters. We should also go out and live our lives.

The sulfer cycle


Sulfer cycle

Screen Shot 2015-10-06 at 1.23.15 PM


1 – Sulfur is released into the air from earthly eruptions, earth decay, and hot springs and it creates sulfur oxides.

2 – Sulfur dioxide mixes with oxygen in the air and it makes sulfur trioxide. Sulfur oxides mixes with water droplets and creates sulfur acid.

3 – The winds carries the droplets and they fall onto the earth by different forms of precipitation.

4 – Plants get their sulfur from the soil and the particles are called sulfate salts. Plants get their sulfur from the soil and the particles are called sulfate salts.

5 – Some hydrogen sulfide is able to enter the atmosphere which is able to start the process again.


Theme Writing

Samuel De Kievit

Mrs. Roskamp


16 September 2015


Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.  The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.

Matthew 7:24-25

When we went to camp Roger for leadership camp I missed the first day but the second day I made it there(I was sick). But on the second day when we choose the verse I obviously didn’t get my verse chosen but we did get a very good verse I think.

I think being an 8th grader means to be a leader and a good example. Like in seventh grade we saw something that the 8th graders did and we would follow their example. It also means making good choices and thinking about how you want the school to act. It also means school will be harder and more homework.

Being a christian to me is to follow God’s word and to tell others about it. If none of us told other that are not a believer about it they would most likely not know about him. It also means to not do wrong of course we will mess up in life. But if you now you are breaking a rule why are you doing it then.

Our theme this year, “Built on the Rock”, means a lot to me as an 8th grader at ZCS and as a Christian in the world. To follow God and not do wrong on purpose. It also means to me to leave a good example for young kids or maybe older kids or parents.

Descriptive writing


The anchor card reminds me of my cottage and we do a lot at our cottage like. Sadly up at my cottage the sun rises very early and I have to wake up early. So normally I am tired So I am lucky that wake time does not start until 11:00. So we have time to get everything ready. Then we can leave before and get as much time on the water that we can. I especially like to wakeboard and my other family members don’t wakeboard. So my dad says we won’t get a wake board tower.

Spyders remind me of shooting them and I shot frogs with my friend. Me and my friend were having a sleepover and we had are bb guns. We got bored and went to his pond and we noticed a bunch of frogs and we got are bb guns and started shooting them. My friend started telling me about a muskrat that has been causing a lot of trouble and he said if you see it shot it. So right after he said that the muskrat pops up and my friend started shooting like crazy at that thing. We did not kill it but we got a shot in him and then we finished of the day by shooting a bunch of frogs and then I went home and everything was good.

The ladder is a tool and that reminds me of building a treehouse. Over the summer me and Noah V. found a old treehouse. So we went up it and it needed work and we decided to fix it up. So we got our stuff and started working on it but then this old lady starts yelling at us and calls us over. She just wanted to say that she has no responsibility and we agreed and we went back and started working. Then we went home and ate dinner and went back there and she started yelling at us go home or I will call your parents so we did. The next day we went over to talk to her and she said I will talk to my son about it.


This summer I went up to my cottage a lot. Me and Nicholas(a friend) broke the record for most snakes caught in one weekend. I did football conditioning for 1 month to get ready for football. I had a lot of sleep overs at my friends house. I learned how to jump across the wake behind a boat on a wakeboard. Me and my friend shot frogs and bats when we had a sleepover.

African Union Day

African Union Day was about how are county(that we are working on for school can help Burundi with all the conflict. We all(7th grade) gathered in a room and we got in are goups and tought how we could help. Once we found out what we were going to do we have to share in front of everyone and get signatories for are resolution.

I learned a lot more about Burundi and the conflict. I also learned about the other counties and their problems. My favorite thing that happened was what we were going to help them move to a different and restart their lives and get to safety.

Invictus Response

The guards at the beginning they did not like anybody. But then later on in the movie they started to play rugby and at the end of the game they were happy because they won. But then in the car they were smiling and they did not care what color they were. It is not like best friends but it is better than when they started.

It represents South Africa because they changed about color and they all live together now. They also gave blacks and colors the rights to do anything whites can do.