Volcano Project


The whole project went well to only problem was we would always run out of play doe. So we would have to stop make more play doe and then add it on, But once we got the right amount of play doe the whole volcano when together. The one major problem we had was that the play doe we would add would slowly slide down the structure. We decided to make a cinder cone volcano, but once we finished the top of the volcano did not look like a cinder cone so we redid the top and it looks pretty good(except for the play doe sliding down.

Gods Preparation

I have seen God try to help with some struggles like Spanish and try to turn them around. An example being I did not have the best Spanish score last year, but this year I seem to be doing a lot better than last year. I also see God trying to get me to help other and to give to the poor and now if I see someone that needs help I will try to stop and help them. But like the verse said about if someone has a splitter in there eye and you have a board in your help your self first and then help then. That is what I fell God is leading me to help or get better at and you never now maybe I will do a lot of mission work were I will need some of the stuff he is helping me threw.