

Super awesome at driving


Always like playing outside


Makes mistakes in life


Slithering snakes

This is a slithering snake

It lives in the sky

A slithering snake eats steak

It likes scaring kids

A slithering snake scared me in my shed

And gave me a soda



We had to find out what game we where going to do and we had to tell how the game works. We had to figure the probability of the project after we were done with the game. We made the project and spray painted it and put it on display.

We leafed how to figure out what games you had a better chance of winning Or losing. We learned how to do probability and what we could use it for.

If we could do this or Imath I would do this because this has more use doing it instead of taking tests about it.

Photo on 3-20-15 at 11.24 AM

Amazon rainfrest groups.

I think than the Native Amazonian’s have a better chance because they have been there the longest and they also do not harm the environment. They also don’t do anything that is harming any of the outside world they only hunt fish and live there. They also help the population of animals because it is possible that the animals will over populate.

on thing why they should have it and not the loggers and all the others is because they want to make money of it. Like the loggers because they cut down all the trees and keep the ones they want and throw all the others away. The rubber tapes are not doing that much to the Amazon. The settlers they need land and so they cut down giant pieces of land for farming. Cattle ranchers need land and they eat a lot of vegetation and kill plants and animals.

Bible project recording




 Time with God


Arm wrestling 



Bible Project



                                                           Bible Project



I chose a person pointing to a spot on a map to show where to go on the map. I chose this picture because it shows God leading the Israelites to the Promised Land to live a better life. But it took a long time to get to the Promised Land,  you can see on the map that they traveled in a circle. They travelled in a zig zag to avoid obstacles and to try and find their way.   They also met a lot of people and found new places on the way there.  I thought that was interesting and that is why I chose this map.


Names are important.   Some people choose names based on  something they did or something they look like. But people names are either chosen just because they liked it or it actually means something. The name, Jesus,  means Savior and other names having meaning to. My name, Samuel, means Name of God,   and Mary means Wished for child. Names are also how you label a group or to get someone’s attention.


                       images-11     =    images-12

I choose a bad grade and a good grade.   The reason I choose this is to show how God uses our struggles to help us.  This helps us learn from our mistakes and then we will not do it in the future.   For instance,  if you messed up on a test, then you will try to not do that again.  I learned that part from experience. So sometime if you mess up it can be part good and part bad.




The reason I chose a lamp is because it says symbol of a lamp but it also says Jesus still rules today. Because of sports and screen time we don’t spend that much time in the Bible. So then we don’t realize that God is what we should be focused on and not sports all the time. It is ok to do sports but not if your life is revolved around it. We should at least read the Bible at home after sports events.  If you just don’t think about God and only sports then you might not be happy.



God gives us laws and we should follow those laws. God is the creator of all  and He knows what is best for us. If we don’t follow His rules then we may chose the wrong things in life. But if we follow God, He will let us go to heaven and we will have a better life here on earth. We may not always follow laws but we at least should try because we are humans and we are not perfect like God and Jesus. I try to do the right thing as much as I can but I can’t do everything perfectly either.   God can help us do the right things.



I choose the picture of Jesus to show how God sent his son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins. God is such a good God that he sent his only son to die on the cross. It is amazing how much God loves us to do such a thing like that.  . But then once everyone thought Jesus was dead, He came back to life. So basically you can never kill God.   God is amazing.





I chose a picture of God and Satan armwrestling because God is so strong and protects us from Satan.   God is so powerful that He can destroy the whole earth with His pinky. That tells me that God is the true God. But God is not just powerful,  He is also love and all the fruits of the spirit and that is what makes our God amazing.




              The reason I chose this picture is because of how God destroyed Jerusalem and one thing lead to another. So instead of a city being destroyed I just chose a kid in a timeout.  The child is being punished just like Jerusalem did.   But we also need to remember how Jesus died on the cross for our sins. So that is telling me that are God really loves us a lot and will forgive us.  When we are forgiven we get out of timeout.




Bible project


Bible Project





I chose a person pointing to a spot on a map to show where to go on the map. I chose this picture because it shows God leading the Israelites to the Promised Land to live a better life. But it took a long time to get to the Promised Land,  you can see on the map that they traveled in a circle. They travelled in a zig zag to avoid obstacles and to try and find their way.   They also met a lot of people and found new places on the way there.  I thought that was interesting and that is why I chose this map.






Names are important.   Some people choose names based on  something they did or something they look like. But people names are either chosen just because they liked it or it actually means something. The name, Jesus,  means Savior and other names having meaning to. My name, Samuel, means Name of God,   and Mary means Wished for child. Names are also how you label a group or to get someone’s attention.



I choose a bad grade and a good grade.   The reason I choose this is to show how God uses our struggles to help us.  This helps us learn from our mistakes and then we will not do it in the future.   For instance,  if you messed up on a test, then you will try to not do that again.  I learned that part from experience. So sometime if you mess up it can be part good and part bad.




The reason I chose a lamp is because it says symbol of a lamp but it also says Jesus still rules today. Because of sports and screen time we don’t spend that much time in the Bible. So then we don’t realize that God is what we should be focused on and not sports all the time. It is ok to do sports but not if your life is revolved around it. We should at least read the Bible at home after sports events.  If you just don’t think about God and only sports then you might not be happy.



God gives us laws and we should follow those laws. God is the creator of all  and He knows what is best for us. If we don’t follow His rules then we may chose the wrong things in life. But if we follow God, He will let us go to heaven and we will have a better life here on earth. We may not always follow laws but we at least should try because we are humans and we are not perfect like God and Jesus. I try to do the right thing as much as I can but I can’t do everything perfectly either.   God can help us do the right things.




I choose the picture of Jesus to show how God sent his son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins. God is such a good God that he sent his only son to die on the cross. It is amazing how much God loves us to do such a thing like that.  . But then once everyone thought Jesus was dead, He came back to life. So basically you can never kill God.   God is amazing.






I chose a picture of God and Satan armwrestling because God is so strong and protects us from Satan.   God is so powerful that He can destroy the whole earth with His pinky. That tells me that God is the true God. But God is not just powerful,  He is also love and all the fruits of the spirit and that is what makes our God amazing.




The reason I chose this picture is because of how God destroyed Jerusalem and one thing lead to another. So instead of a city being destroyed I just chose a kid in a timeout.  The child is being punished just like Jerusalem did.   But we also need to remember how Jesus died on the cross for our sins. So that is telling me that are God really loves us a lot and will forgive us.  When we are forgiven we get out of timeout.

Immigration Day

Mrs. Timmer’s story is how she and her family had a very nice life in the Netherlands.  They had a very nice house and plenty of money.   But her dad wanted to have an adventure and so he said that they were going to move to the United States.   They had to sell all their toys except for one, she brought a doll.  They packed all their clothes. They had 7 suitcases for the whole family.   They travelled on a large ship and her father was sea sick for most of the time.   She was sick for a while but then she got used to the boat and wasn’t sick anymore.  Once they made it to shore, the sailors unloaded all their luggage. But the people were not careful when they unloaded.  The crate that held their suitcases hit the side of the boat and the bottom fell out.   Most of their belongings fell into the ocean and was gone.  The boat owners paid  her dad some money so they had to buy new belongings in the United States.

I think this is important because her story is a very cool story and I think people should see what some people are going through to get to the USA. I  also would think that we could help them.    We need to  give people that are in a different country a chance to get here and welcome them to the United States.   We can help them have a safe place to come to.

I think that I should be happy with what I have and not complain about things.  Mrs. Timmer  moved miles away from their family with only seven suitcases and then she lost some of her  luggage.   So I am not going to fuss about as much things and possessions.   They  would be happy with what we have and say we are very blessed.  I know I am blessed too.

Picture Book Advice


  1. Think like a preschooler
  2.  learn how authors write theres


  1. Do read recent picture books over and over again
  2.  Do ensure the text is written grammatically, and the spelling and punctuation are correct.


  1. The best rule on writing in any genre is that there are no rigid rules. All rules on writing can be, and have been, broken.
  2.  Editors love humor.
  3. The text of a picture book should be short: no more than 1000 words, preferable less than 600 words. A picture storybook should be less than 2000 words, preferably 1000 to 1200 words.


I had a hard time with 3-4 because I didn’t understand how to do it but then I found out that if I did it the way I am going to show you it made it a whole lot easer. Here is a easy example but I will make a harder one V + 7 = 18        V=11 I got that by – the 7 by 18 and you get the answer 11.

example 2

V – 40.57 = 38.34           V=2.23  I got that by – 40.57 by 38.34 which = 2.23

The Win

On the board 4th down

From the snap

Into his hands

Around he looked

Down he went

With are ball and no time

From the snap

Into his hands

Around he looked

For a receiver

Up goes the ball

Into his hands

In the end zone

On the board it showed

We won


Twin Towers

As I look at the pictures and I read the stories in the newspapers from after 9/11 I released that this is a very big deal I used thought it was not that big of a deal but now I really released that that was a huge deal and I am going to take it more serious and I also noticed that there are a lot off families that are struggling threw things like this.

Photo on 3-7-14 at 11.25 AM #2


In ancient Egypt, technology  they made tooth paste and other stuff like pyramids and other things  because it helped their civilization. In Modern Egypt, technology helped them to make cars and other motorized things.

In ancient Egypt writing, they all wrote in hieroglyphics  but they had different languages but that was the main language. In  modern Egypt writing, they all learn how to write at the age of 6 and then they can communicate with people with writing.