African Union Day

African Union Day was about how are county(that we are working on for school can help Burundi with all the conflict. We all(7th grade) gathered in a room and we got in are goups and tought how we could help. Once we found out what we were going to do we have to share in front of everyone and get signatories for are resolution.

I learned a lot more about Burundi and the conflict. I also learned about the other counties and their problems. My favorite thing that happened was what we were going to help them move to a different and restart their lives and get to safety.

Invictus Response

The guards at the beginning they did not like anybody. But then later on in the movie they started to play rugby and at the end of the game they were happy because they won. But then in the car they were smiling and they did not care what color they were. It is not like best friends but it is better than when they started.

It represents South Africa because they changed about color and they all live together now. They also gave blacks and colors the rights to do anything whites can do.



We had to find out what game we where going to do and we had to tell how the game works. We had to figure the probability of the project after we were done with the game. We made the project and spray painted it and put it on display.

We leafed how to figure out what games you had a better chance of winning Or losing. We learned how to do probability and what we could use it for.

If we could do this or Imath I would do this because this has more use doing it instead of taking tests about it.

Photo on 3-20-15 at 11.24 AM

Amazon rainfrest groups.

I think than the Native Amazonian’s have a better chance because they have been there the longest and they also do not harm the environment. They also don’t do anything that is harming any of the outside world they only hunt fish and live there. They also help the population of animals because it is possible that the animals will over populate.

on thing why they should have it and not the loggers and all the others is because they want to make money of it. Like the loggers because they cut down all the trees and keep the ones they want and throw all the others away. The rubber tapes are not doing that much to the Amazon. The settlers they need land and so they cut down giant pieces of land for farming. Cattle ranchers need land and they eat a lot of vegetation and kill plants and animals.

Immigration Day

Mrs. Timmer’s story is how she and her family had a very nice life in the Netherlands.  They had a very nice house and plenty of money.   But her dad wanted to have an adventure and so he said that they were going to move to the United States.   They had to sell all their toys except for one, she brought a doll.  They packed all their clothes. They had 7 suitcases for the whole family.   They travelled on a large ship and her father was sea sick for most of the time.   She was sick for a while but then she got used to the boat and wasn’t sick anymore.  Once they made it to shore, the sailors unloaded all their luggage. But the people were not careful when they unloaded.  The crate that held their suitcases hit the side of the boat and the bottom fell out.   Most of their belongings fell into the ocean and was gone.  The boat owners paid  her dad some money so they had to buy new belongings in the United States.

I think this is important because her story is a very cool story and I think people should see what some people are going through to get to the USA. I  also would think that we could help them.    We need to  give people that are in a different country a chance to get here and welcome them to the United States.   We can help them have a safe place to come to.

I think that I should be happy with what I have and not complain about things.  Mrs. Timmer  moved miles away from their family with only seven suitcases and then she lost some of her  luggage.   So I am not going to fuss about as much things and possessions.   They  would be happy with what we have and say we are very blessed.  I know I am blessed too.

Twin Towers

As I look at the pictures and I read the stories in the newspapers from after 9/11 I released that this is a very big deal I used thought it was not that big of a deal but now I really released that that was a huge deal and I am going to take it more serious and I also noticed that there are a lot off families that are struggling threw things like this.