Living on One Dollar Reflection

We watched the documentary Living on One Dollar. It was about four guys that went to Guatemala in one of their poorest cities. They lived the lives of people in poverty for 56 days. After watching the film, I feel a lot differently about people in poverty. I feel very sorry for them. It’s sad that they have that little and have to deal with it. I went grocery shopping last night and we got home and put the groceries away, we had to make room to fit them in. I thought about the video, they don’t even have cupboards to put the food in, and we have so much food we can’t even fit it into our cupboards. At the store I also thought about how we buy things and don’t need to worry about the price, and they have to watch everything they buy to make sure they will have enough money. It’s so sad to think that they might not have enough money to buy food for the next days.  After watching the video I will not take anything for granted.