Grabación De Biblia


Juan 20:11-18
Nueva Versión Internacional (NVI)

11 pero María se quedó afuera, llorando junto al sepulcro. Mientras lloraba, se inclinó para mirar dentro del sepulcro, 12 y vio a dos ángeles vestidos de blanco, sentados donde había estado el cuerpo de Jesús, uno a la cabecera y otro a los pies.

13 —¿Por qué lloras, mujer? —le preguntaron los ángeles.

—Es que se han llevado a mi Señor, y no sé dónde lo han puesto —les respondió.

14 Apenas dijo esto, volvió la mirada y allí vio a Jesús de pie, aunque no sabía que era él. 15 Jesús le dijo:

—¿Por qué lloras, mujer? ¿A quién buscas?

Ella, pensando que se trataba del que cuidaba el huerto, le dijo:

—Señor, si usted se lo ha llevado, dígame dónde lo ha puesto, y yo iré por él.

16 —María —le dijo Jesús.

Ella se volvió y exclamó:

—¡Raboni! (que en arameo significa: Maestro).

17 —Suéltame,[a] porque todavía no he vuelto al Padre. Ve más bien a mis hermanos y diles: “Vuelvo a mi Padre, que es Padre de ustedes; a mi Dios, que es Dios de ustedes.”

18 María Magdalena fue a darles la noticia a los discípulos. «¡He visto al Señor!», exclamaba, y les contaba lo que él le había dicho.

Yo creo que todos deben de saber de la resurrección de Jesús porque es una historia triste pero feliz al mismo tiempo. Por medio de la resurrección y la crucifixión es muy triste pero por Dios nosotros podemos tener vida eterna. Se que Jesus ha conquistado el diablo y que algún día todos los que creen en el van a tener vida para siempre viviendo con el y otros que creen. Es importante que nosotros compartimos las noticias con otras personas porque los que no creen no van a ir a vivir para siempre con Dios. Nuestro tiempo es corto y solo tenemos poco de tiempo de compartir las noticias y creo que debemos de empezar ahora compartiendo las buenas noticias que hay alguien que nos puede salvarnos, Dios.

Reading Response


I have just started the book Kisses From Katie and I’m loving the book! Its about a girl, Katie, who does something so incredible. This girl, Katie, starts off like an ordinary girl, an ordinary teenager who goes to school and lives a normal life. One night without even knowing, her life would change with just one decision. On the night on her birthday she decides to go out to eat with her parents. During the fun night, she brings up a decision that she wants to do, and would eventually change her life. She said that she wanted to Africa to do mission work, the sound at her table with her parents drew silent, with no sound. After a while her parents responded with “maybe, we’ll think about it”. After a while Katie would just not stop thinking about Africa. Her parents finally said that she could go. On the day that she left she went with her mom, and the minute she stepped into the village, and the orphanage she instantly fell in love by the culture and the people around her. She spent two weeks in the village and the orphanage, and she knew that she was supposed to stay here forever, maybe. At the end of the two week trip she left in tears not knowing if she would return to this wonderful culture and the people. She knew as soon as she left Africa, she needed to return. So she insisted to her parents that she needed to return, and finally convinced her parents. She agreed to her parents that she would return to the states after one whole year. She went on the trip and she already loved the place! She stayed and fell in love with the place. She, in the story tell us about some of the journey’s and difficulties that she had during the time that she has been there.

There are a lot of sentences that I’m thinking of the perfect inference. One of them was when she said that she didn’t simply care for the people , she wanted to advocate them. I’m thinking for an inference and some ideas that popped to my head. On one part of the story says “I didn’t want to only love the children, but I wanted to advocate for them”. I think that its saying that she wanted to stand up for them, and she would protect them from anything that would be danger, or something that would harm them.

This book is absolutely amazing, I think, because it tests Katie’s faith, but she never stops to trust and follow God’s plan, which I think would be hard, knowing that you a in a country that doesn’t even speak your language. But thats why shes such a good example because she never stops to trust him. And she was obedient to God’s call that He placed on her life.

Egypt Project

For our Egypt exhibit, we were told to research about our topic. In my group with McKenna, Jake, and Hailey, we did research all about Ancient and Modern Stable Food Supply, and Religion. During this time when we had to a lot of research I learned a lot about these things. Some interesting things that I learned were: Egypt could not be there without the Nile River, it helped with so much, like their water supply, food supply because it would help grow crops and it would keep there water supply under control. They would dig ditches to make sure the water supply would be under control. Some things that I learned about Religion was about all the gods and learning what each of them meant to the people. I really enjoyed learning about all the fun and different things about Egypt!