Famous Ballerinas

January 25, 2013  Tagged

Famous Ballerinas

Entrecista de Taylor y Ema

January 25, 2013  Tagged

[podcast format=”video”]https://blogs.zcs.org/tash17/files/2013/01/Movie-on-2013-01-25-at-13.34-28ctti0.mov[/podcast]

Bible Holy Spirit Project

December 5, 2012  Tagged ,

Explaining Visual

My visual is a heart with an infinity sign and a ring of love around it. The reason why I did that is because the Holy Spirit stays in your heart forever, hence the infinity sign, and a ring is a symbol of love. The Holy Spirit is love because if we are Christians then we have the Holy Spirit in us and on aspect of a Christian is love. Also on of the fruits of the Spirit is love.

Who is the Holy Spirit?

The Holy Spirit is many things; it works in our lives, molding us to be better Christians, and reminding us if there is something bad that we shouldn’t do or should do. The Holy Spirit is also the Fruits of the Spirit (obviously), but he gives us them sometimes when we need them the most. We should always be using the fruits because that is it working in us to be a better person. People say God is working in us, but I think that it is God’s Spirit (the Holy Spirit) working in us with the fruits. It is also a messenger for prayers to God for requests and thanksgiving. That is what the Holy Spirit is.

How does he work in my life?

The Holy Spirit works in life by a lot of things. It is a great influence because it tells me you shouldn’t do that or just try it you will end up liking it; the Holy Spirit is a little voice in my head, shaping me to be God’s original masterpiece.

10 Verses

Matthew 3:11: For your guilt, I baptize you with water. But God, who is more mighty than I am and who am not holy enough to carry his sandals. He will baptize you with flames and the Holy Spirit.

Mark 9:49: Everyone will be Christians with the fire of the Holy Spirit.

Luke 12:49: “ I have arrived to bring the fire of the Holy Spirit to the earth, I wish it was here and people were fanning it.

Romans 5:5: Do not feel shame from hope, because God’s love over flows in our hearts through the Holy Spirit, which has been given to us.

Romans 14:17: For the Heaven is not a place eating and drinking, for it is of righteous, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.

Luke 1:15: for he is wonderful in the eye of God. He is to never drink wine or other frothy drinks

1 Corinthians 12:3: Know that no one who speaks with Spirit says, “Jesus be cursed,” and no one can say, “Jesus is Lord,” except through the Holy Spirit.

Matthew 12:32: Anyone who speaks against Jesus will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will never be forgive.

Mark 1:8: People will baptize you with water, but God will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.

Mark 3:29: Anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will never be forgive and are guilty of eternal sin.

Dia de los Muertos

October 31, 2012  Tagged

Day of the Dead is all about honoring and remembering people who have passed away. I think it is cool people actually do this. I felt uncomfortable because I do not like sculls especial decorated ones. The activity that we did is that we wrote someone who have died and write something good about it.

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