Volcanes Fascinantes

February 13, 2013  Tagged

Muchos Volcanes

Famous Ballerinas

January 25, 2013  Tagged

Famous Ballerinas

Entrecista de Taylor y Ema

January 25, 2013  Tagged

[podcast format=”video”]https://blogs.zcs.org/tash17/files/2013/01/Movie-on-2013-01-25-at-13.34-28ctti0.mov[/podcast]

Dia de los Muertos

October 31, 2012  Tagged

Day of the Dead is all about honoring and remembering people who have passed away. I think it is cool people actually do this. I felt uncomfortable because I do not like sculls especial decorated ones. The activity that we did is that we wrote someone who have died and write something good about it.

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