weekly update

October 19, 2018

Dear Mom and Dad,

This week was fun because my best friends and I played volleyball at recess .

The best part of my week was recess because my friends and I had a lot of fun. I am reading hatchet and it is about a boy whose parents got divorced and in the school year he stays with his mom and the summer with his dad and his dad had a plane to go and come pick his son up .and the plane only other person in the plane  is the pilot. In Science, i finished my letter to congress. I want to tell you more about this week this weekend!




Note from Mrs. Hall

Thank you for your patience, as I was out two days this week. In math, we began our next unit on decimals. Also, we created two math groups by joining Mr. Hutt’s class, and each group will move at a pace best for your child. In Bible, we worked to understand the covenants God made with David and the Nation of Israel- we will be wrapping up this unit next week. We worked on adding evidence to support our claim for our opinion essays. In reading, we finally finished reading assessments! In science, students wrote their letter to Congress about taking action to protect our Great Lakes from zebra mussels. In social studies student groups have been researching a couple of different explorers, thier routes, their reasons for exploring, and their exploration needs. Students will be presenting their “sails” pitch to the King of Portugal or the Queen of Spain in the next few weeks. Have a blessed weekend.  — Mrs. Hall


Important Reminders

-Conferences Oct. 22-23

-Grand Parents Day is November 2. Find important information here.

-No School Oct. 24, 25 and 26


NO Memory verse due next week because of no school
Please use this extra time to review Psalm 46:1-7

You can find strategies and the entire memory passage here.


Don’t Forget…

-Orange folder signed each weekend

-Bible Memory due each Friday

-Spelling test every Friday

-Read 15 minutes and record in planner each night for our school wide Book-It reading challenge

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