Archive of ‘Uncategorized’ category

One thing I learned from Mrs. Keyser about writing is: I learned how to embed my claim.

One thing new this week that we are doing is:  We are making advent chains.

My favorite part about this past week was: Being in Mr. Keyser’s math class!!

Another week has flown by, one more week closer to Christmas! We have been very busy in the classroom this week. In ELA, the kids should be finished with their opinion pieces, and I highly encourage you to have them show you. Mrs. Keyser has helped the measurably to fine tune their writings. The class is taking a quiz in grammar today, and hopefully will show mastery of subjects(simple and compound) predicates, and conjunctions. We continue to work on spelling, word work(the activities associated with spelling), and cursive each week. We are also continuing to work on reading strategies as well. In Bible class, the kids will be taking a quiz this coming week on the various Kings of Judah, and about their reigns. We have had some very good discussions regarding these times. We switched our math kids again, and my group is midway through the chapter on fractions. We are multiplying fractions and mixed numbers, with an emphasis on the distributive property. The remainder of the kids are with Mr. Hutt, and they are a few sections behind in the same chapter. Science has been interesting this week as we have spent time using properties to describe various items. The class was each given their own rock or mineral, and was asked to describe it on an index card using the properties we had discussed in class. Today, they will take another student’s card, and try to identify which rock their card is detailing. In Mr. Hutt’s social studies class, the kids have been continuing with their study of early America’s colonization, this week focusing on the Mid-Atlantic colonies, as well as the New England colonies. Lots going on to say the least!

We have almost all students having paid their $2 for the Christmas party(pizza and drink), and about half have brought their shoebox size box in to transport their art projects home in the near future. Thanks to all those parents who have signed up for “Remind”. It is truly a great way to quickly connect with parents. If you haven’t signed up, open your messaging screen on your phone, and in the “to” line, type “81010”, and then in the message box, type “@keysersk” and you will be added to my class. Hope you all have an incredible weekend. Paul Keyser

11-2 weekly update

Dear peps,

This week was epic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! because I got a new teacher that is awesome.We had our social studies presentations it was fun!!!!! plus Mr. Keyser is super fun and he gives out candy. And my grandparents came on grandparents day!


From,  Tegan

weekly update

October 19, 2018

Dear Mom and Dad,

This week was fun because my best friends and I played volleyball at recess .

The best part of my week was recess because my friends and I had a lot of fun. I am reading hatchet and it is about a boy whose parents got divorced and in the school year he stays with his mom and the summer with his dad and his dad had a plane to go and come pick his son up .and the plane only other person in the plane  is the pilot. In Science, i finished my letter to congress. I want to tell you more about this week this weekend!




Note from Mrs. Hall

Thank you for your patience, as I was out two days this week. In math, we began our next unit on decimals. Also, we created two math groups by joining Mr. Hutt’s class, and each group will move at a pace best for your child. In Bible, we worked to understand the covenants God made with David and the Nation of Israel- we will be wrapping up this unit next week. We worked on adding evidence to support our claim for our opinion essays. In reading, we finally finished reading assessments! In science, students wrote their letter to Congress about taking action to protect our Great Lakes from zebra mussels. In social studies student groups have been researching a couple of different explorers, thier routes, their reasons for exploring, and their exploration needs. Students will be presenting their “sails” pitch to the King of Portugal or the Queen of Spain in the next few weeks. Have a blessed weekend.  — Mrs. Hall


Important Reminders

-Conferences Oct. 22-23

-Grand Parents Day is November 2. Find important information here.

-No School Oct. 24, 25 and 26


NO Memory verse due next week because of no school
Please use this extra time to review Psalm 46:1-7

You can find strategies and the entire memory passage here.


Don’t Forget…

-Orange folder signed each weekend

-Bible Memory due each Friday

-Spelling test every Friday

-Read 15 minutes and record in planner each night for our school wide Book-It reading challenge

10/12 weekly update

October 12, 2018

Dear mom and dad,

This week was not very good because it was not fun.

One way I used my words for good this week was when i encouraged Melat because she had soccer intermediaries and she lost. In bible about God’s covenant a covenant he made was to never to flood the whole earth. We are taking our math test today and I am feeling fine about it. In Science, one solution to stop zebra mussels is to make the great lakes warmer.

I want to tell you more about this week this weekend!




Note from Mrs. Hall

What a week full of learning and wrapping up our first math uni! Today, students are taking their unit 1 math test on adding and subtracting fractions, and I feel so confident in the growth that they made. In Bible we worked to understand the covenants God made with Abraham, Moses and the nation of Israel and reviewed some of the 10 commandments. We worked on writing our claim and reasons for our opinion essays. In reading, I am still testing each student individually and will continue next week… I hope to be done by conferences so I have up to date information to share with you! In science, students analyzed solutions to stop zebra mussels and are beginning their final assessment in the form of a persuasive letter to Congress about the importance of protecting our Great Lakes. We are spending time discussing Ephesians 4:29, and how to use our words to build others up. This would be a great conversation to continue to have at home as well. Thank you for your support. — Mrs. Hall


Important Reminders

-Conferences Oct. 22-23, please see the separate email about sign ups, sign up closes Oct. 17

Magazine Sale Packets came home on Wednesday

-No School Oct. 24, 25 and 26


Memory verse due Friday, October 19: Psalm 46:1-7
Verse 7: “The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.”

You can find strategies and the entire memory passage here.


Don’t Forget…

-Orange folder signed each weekend

-Bible Memory due each Friday

-Spelling test every Friday

-Read 15 minutes and record in planner each night for our school wide Book-It reading challenge

weekly update 10/5

October 5, 2018

Dear mom and dad

This week was amazing because today we had an indoor recess and we had a dance party.

I saw God at work this week in  Mrs. hall because she helped me in math. In math, we are learning how to add and subtract mixed number fractions. I feel good about math because i am understanding it. For my opinion topic, I am writing about should kids have homework. My favorite special this week was art because we are using oil pastels to draw leafs. One last thing, Mrs. Hall is reading a book to us called Fish in a Tree.




Note from Mrs. Hall

Happy October! This week, in Bible we began a new unit about God’s covenants- and specifically focused on the covenant with Adam and Eve, and Noah. In math, we wrapped up our unit 1 skills and will begin review for our test on adding and subtracting fractions next week. In Social Studies, students are investigating why Europeans were “forced” to explore around the world. We picked topics for opinion essays and began researching reasons for and against. In reading, I am testing each student individually and will continue next week. In science, students are analyzing data to predict future effects of zebra mussels on a lake. We are revisiting routines often, as we have begun to hit the point in the year where everyone feels comfortable with one another… and becomes very social! I am praying for each of your children’s learning and friendships, and am eager to continue to build my relationship with each of them individually. — Mrs. Hall


Important Reminders

All School Chapel, Tuesday, October 9 at 9:00 AM

-No bus or hot lunch on Friday, October 12

-Support your child in recording their reading minutes every night in their oranger folder for our school wide Book-It reading challenge

-Unit 1 Math Test next week Thursday or Friday (will decide based on needed review)

-No October field trip- we decided to postpone the planetarium until March to align with our new science curriculum


Memory verse due Friday, October 5: Psalm 46:1-6
Verse 6: “Nations are in uproar, kingdoms fall; he lifts his voice, the earth melts.”

You can find strategies and the memory for the week here.


Don’t Forget…

-Orange folder signed each weekend

-Bible Memory due each Friday

-Spelling test every Friday

-Read 15 minutes and record in planner each night

9-7 weekly update

September 7, 2018


Dear Mom and Dad,


This week was amazing. Let me tell you about it.

The best part of my week was playing MASH at recess because it was fun. I liked eating lunch with our community crews because I was with different people.

In math, I learned that a unit fraction has 1 as the numerator every time. In science, we brainstormed traits of a great scientist. For example, a great scientist asks questions and is observant. An interesting word I found is vociferous.


Lastly, one way I can be a good steward is taking care of God’s creation.


Update from Mrs. Hall: Another week of growth and learning in 5th grade! We have begun to develop classroom routines that allow us to be independent learners in reading, writing and spelling. In bible, we spent time understanding God’s call to be good stewards over the earth. In math, we started our unit on fractions, with a focus on unit fractions and equivalent fractions. We began discussing the traits of a great scientist so that we can live them out in our own science investigations, and will begin an inquiry into earth’s systems next week. We did our first bible memory on Psalm 46:1, and I am eager to see scripture get tucked away into each child’s heart this year! Thank you to those that came out to parent night, it was great to see you again!
Orange folders signed this weekend! Don’t forget to try to read every night 🙂
Field Trip to Van Raalte Civil War Muster September 14… Please let me know ASAP if you want to chaperone, and send a copy of your driver’s license and proof of insurance to Student permission slips due by Thursday.
Memory verse due Friday, Sept. 14: Psalm 46:2
“Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea”
Next week we will be getting our first set of spelling words, with a test next Friday.

We can talk more this weekend!


snap circuits

Today during tech class I and my partner Dylan were doing the flying saucer.We worked together by building it together.The hardest part was making the flying saucer fly.

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