Egypt Exhibit

I think we did good on our exhibit we made an Egyptian flatbread recipe and had olive oil to dip it in. We also had a small poster were it told you abut the art ancient and modern on a different side and we had a small section to make your own graffiti because graffiti is the new main art in Egypt because it is now legal. We built a huge arch to put in front of our table called The Arch of Memories inside The Arch of Memories we had some pictures with writing about them such as the Egyptian chariot or The Great Sphinx. Also we made a poster for technology ( same concept as the art poster modern on the right ancient on the left ) the people could make a pyramid watch a slideshow or look at some of the things the Egyptians made modernly lenses and perfume were just two of them.

I think during this project I learned to work better in a team and how to deal with a teammate that don’t want to cooperate with the rest of the group and I think w really worked together very well and had a good team but still we learned how to deal with rough waters at times. We learned a lot about Ancient Egypt too.

In conclusion I think this project we did great on researching and we learned lots of new things. I think we had a great presentation and the only comments we got were good ones from the viewers and I think that I would do that again . Overall it was a fun project and I feel good about our performance.



  1. wbaas21 · December 2, 2014 at 3:19 pm ·

    I like how descriptive your writing is

  2. mhilbelink21 · December 3, 2014 at 2:15 pm ·

    I liked that you described the exhibit

  3. ndisher21 · December 3, 2014 at 2:17 pm ·

    i like how easy it is to under stand