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God’s Preparation

Q: How has God been preparing you to do work for Him?

A: I think one way that God has been preparing me to do work for Him is by surrounding me with a loving christian community of friends and family. I think that through growing up in a christian family and in a christian school I can learn more about God every day. Although in a way it is a disadvantage to not be able to experience other religions and other people that aren’t the same as us in everyday life, I think that I still have opportunities to experience those things in different ways such as mission trips and other connections with my school and church. A lot of times I take the many blessings for granted. But other times when I realize how much I am blessed it makes me think about how much I could impact the life of someone else by sharing something that I already receive in abundance every day. It makes me think about how crazy it is how much I value earthly things because, even though I already have much more than necessary, I still complain about little things and want more. This makes me exited yet heart broken a the same time. I think that by blessing me with so much God is showing me how earthly things will never be able to fill you, like things that are not earthly like Gods love and the promise of salvation. I think in this way he is preparing me to be able to bless others not only with earthly necessities like food water and a home, but He is preparing me to share His love and the amazing fact that His grace covers all of our sins and the comforting promise of salvation.

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Bible Persecution Project

Uzbekistan Keynote:
Uzbekistan PDF

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Christian Persecution

While working on our PBL I have learned about how much we have. Here in the United States we have religious freedom, that some times we take for granted, but in places like Uzbekistan they don’t. People all around the world are being persecuted for their faith but there are ways that we can help.

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Ideal Church vs. Early Church

This week in bible we have been learning about the difference between the early church and ideal churches now. Some examples we decided on for an ideal church were things like comfy chairs, good food, and interesting pastors. Some of the things we learned about the early church is that the were very unified, they gave if they had more and if you had less you would receive, they were all equal and they meet every day. Some reflections on this is that our suggestions for an ideal church is more self centered. It was about making the church better for us by using material items and in the end it was no longer much of a church. When the church first started they were very willing to give. If anyone had extra they didn’t keep it for themselves, they used only what they needed so that everyone would have enough. They were also willing to do whatever God wanted for them. They were filled with the Holy Spirit and their decisions were centered around Gods will and the Holy Spirit.

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Thoughts about Jesus’ Crucifixion

I think that the seven last phrases that Jesus said can teach us a lot. The two posters I choose to focus on were practice obedience and trust in God. I think that these two phrases go together because to be able to be obedient to God you have to trust that He has the best plan and obeying Him is the right thing to do. Another one of the last phrases that I learned about Jesus threw was desire that forgiveness is given. I think this would have been really hard to desire forgiveness for the people because they were killing her.

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God Sightings

This weekend I saw God at my youth group retreat. We went to camp geneva so we were by the lake. We learned about the importance of taking time to be alone with God. One day we were taking some time to be alone with God we were outside and I saw God through His creation of the lake and the fall leaves.

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God Sighting

This weekend in church we continued learning about the Lords prayer and about prayer. We focused on the section of “give us this day our daily bread” My pastor talked about that if you think about all the things that actually need to happen to make bread and get it to the store and to our house that is like a metaphor for what we are asking for, everything we need in that day, other people need to do things for us to get what we need and we are asking God for all of that.

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Themes of the Bible

Names are were very important in the bible because it helps us understand more about a person. There are many names for God one of them is YHWH. This name means that God is a loving and caring God and He has a personal relationship with each one of the people on the earth. Another name for God is El this shows God as the creator of all things and a powerful king. For my visual I choose a name tag because it tells other people your name. I think its cool to be able to know the meaning of someones name because you can see how God has connected that meaning to their life.

God has made many covenants with people in the bible and now. There are two different types of covenants conditional and unconditional. Conditional covenants are when two people agree to do something. If one person does their part the other person must do their part also. but if they don’t do it then the other person doesn’t have to do it either For example when Abraham and God had a covenant.  God promised to bless Abraham and Abraham would go where God tells him to.  For my visual I choose a rainbow because it reminds me of covenants because it is the symbol God gave when He made a covenant with Noah and the world. This is an unconditional covenant because no matter what God will never send a flood to destroy the whole earth.

In the bible God calls many people to do many things. God called Abraham to leave all that he had and go to a new land and where God called him to go. He called Moses to many things like free the Israelites from Egypt with Gods help. He also was called to lead them through the desert to the promise land. God still calls people to do things now like many stories about teachers at Zeeland Christian School. Another story that I have heard about God calling people is in chapel when Grace told her story. She told us about how everyone was telling her that after high school she had to go to college because that was the only way she was going to get a job. But she said that God was calling her to go to beautiful gate. That is why for my visual a choose a gate to represent Grace being called to work at beautiful gate.

I think it is amazing what God can do and make out of things that are so useless and broken.He can make people out of dust. He made slavery into salvation in the life of so many Israelites. I chose a picture joseph for my visual because God let Joseph be sold into slavery and be thrown into jail because he had a plan. His plan, turned slavery into salvation. He saved  of all of Egypt and the other people around them including his family.He was made second in command to pharaoh because God told Joseph what pharaoh’s dreams meant. Because of that he could save up food in the first years so that they would have food in the next years and feed his family and many others.

It was very important for Moses to trust God throughout his entire life. First his mom needed to trust that God would keep him safe in the basket in the river. God proved that He could be trusted through that because the princess found him. Then Moses needed to trust God that he would free the Israelites from slavery. At first Moses didn’t trust God and wouldn’t go so his brother aaron went with him. Then for my visual I used the sea parting because Moses was being chased by a huge army of Egyptians and he had to somehow get across the sea so he had to trust that God would make a way and He did by parting the sea.

In the bible time just like now we don’t always want what we need or what we really should be wanting. An example of this is when the Israelites wanted to saved. They wanted a military leader to come save them because they had been captured. God had promised them that He would send a King to save them. So they all thought that he would be a military leader, a melek, but God had a different plan. That is why my visual is a manger because no one expected Jesus, the king, to be born in a manger. They thought he would be born in a big palace where he would grow up to be a melek.

When David was king God promised that one of his descendants would always be king. So his son solomon became king and many after that but then then the Israelites got captured. It seemed impossible for Gods promise to continue. But then like it says in jeremiah 33:14-16 a sprout came up from David’s line. The sprout is Jesus that is why a descendant of David will always be king because Jesus will always be king. For my visual I chose a olive tree because it reminds me of this. After a long time an olive tree stop growing olives so they cut it down into a stump just like David’s line had been cut down. Then from the stump of an olive tree a new branch grows into a new tree like Jesus sprouted up from David’s line

For this theme’s visual I chose a picture of a cycle. The Israelites were in a cycle. First the Israelites and their kings would sin. Then God sent a prophet to warn them, but they don’t listen to the prophet, most of the time. Then God punishes them for their sin. The Israelites continued to sin and God continued to send prophets and punish them.


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New Addition Dedication

This year due to the increase in students we are building a new addition. One of the most important steps in building this is getting the blessing from God. The whole school will be writing a verse or a word on a rock and we will be using these rocks as the foundation of the new addition. On my rock I wrote “25 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.”  Mathew 7:25. This verse is about building the foundation on the rock and it connects to how we will be using our rocks as the foundation. One thing that a lot of my class mates and me did not write is our names. This is because we want the new addition to glorify God and not us. Mr. Minkus told us about his trip to Caesaria and how the king had built a river that was 70 feet deep. The people had to pour concrete 70 feet down on a long river. Now all that work is gone. The connection is that we are living stones and we are still here and the kingdom of God is eternal. So we should work towards building the kingdom of God.

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Entrevista de Biblia

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