Themes of the Old Testament

Cycle of Judges

The cycle went like this: everything goes well, people start to sin, the enemies would attack, they cry to God, and then God sends a judge.

And then people looked around and wanted a king like other nations. All the people did what they thought was right. And then we have to ask ourselves, do we do what culture wants, or what God wants? My example was “Money Vs. Respect”. Just like Culture vs God. Because we have to respect and not worry too much about money. In life everything does not depend on money. But when we respect others, we will get friends. You can not buy friends with money. It is all about RESPECT.


A Savior

The people could not keep the Sinai Covenant so God offered a new covenant. The new covenant that God made would be written on their hearts, and not stone tablets. It did not need animal sacrifices since Jesus is the ultimate sacrifice. Then Jeremiah gave the new covenant. Called the Davidic Covenant. It did not have any conditions, and it was based on grace and forgiveness. And then later, Isaiah gave the people pictures of the new Savior that they could relate to. My example was a rainbow because whenever I think of the word “covenant”, I think of a rainbow and that God will keep his promises. So we have to trust God that we will keep promises.




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