God Glasses

How can I start putting Mrs. Newman’s message to practice in my life: I can start by helping others with the things that they need like: making sure everyone has someone to play with, making sure there is help when others are hurt etc. some other things I can do to put it into practice: I could make sure everyone feels ok and is not sad when we are doing group projects because then some people could feel like they are being left out of some conversations.  I need to try to put it into practice in my own life that way everyone is happy and no one feels down and left out of some conversations because some times that could happen and you don’t notice it and not noticing is bad for others case they could just go tell someone else to play with them or just go and sit alone with no one to play with so always make sure they are ok. Mrs. Newman had a great message and it really spoke out to everyone so that they can do the same thing as she said to do try to put it into practice so that you can have the GOD glasses in your life because they will make a difference in your life so don’t be afraid to do it just do it and feel free to tell others about it so that they can put it into practice in there life and don’t forget to tell your parents to so that you can see if they do it and they have put the GOD glasses on yet. some times you can feel lonely and sad because you don’t have any one to play with or talk to don’t worry cause I’ve gone thru the same thing many times.

One thought on “God Glasses

  1. Afton, I like it that you included that you have had some tough times at the end because none of the posts iv’e red so far included things that had happened to them.

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