
Hi :)

Desafío de Consumo

El tema que yo escogí es no gastar electricidad. Creo que es importante no gastar electricidad porque no es renovable. Para hacer electricidad tienes que quemar carbon y no puedes usarlo otra vez. Para conservar electricidad y carbón no voy a cargar mi ipod o teléfono por una semana.

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New Addition Dedication

This year due to the increase in students we are building a new addition. One of the most important steps in building this is getting the blessing from God. The whole school will be writing a verse or a word on a rock and we will be using these rocks as the foundation of the new addition. On my rock I wrote “25 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.”  Mathew 7:25. This verse is about building the foundation on the rock and it connects to how we will be using our rocks as the foundation. One thing that a lot of my class mates and me did not write is our names. This is because we want the new addition to glorify God and not us. Mr. Minkus told us about his trip to Caesaria and how the king had built a river that was 70 feet deep. The people had to pour concrete 70 feet down on a long river. Now all that work is gone. The connection is that we are living stones and we are still here and the kingdom of God is eternal. So we should work towards building the kingdom of God.

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My Health

Health and fitness final proyect

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