February 28

Reflecting As a Learner


I am enjoying Science because we are learning about Earthquakes and how they form, like when 2 plates rub next to each other it forms an Earthquake. I also learned that when 2 plates go up it cracks the Earth’s surface. I also learned where most of the Earthquakes take place.  Most of the Earthquakes that happen in the U.S.A are mostly in Alaska.



In art I am learning how to shade. I am doing a puppy picture, and I am learning how to shade it so it looks real. I was shading the eye of the dog, and I was making it so it looked real so I got help from Mrs. G and she helped me light it up so it looks better.



Reading things helps me learn like in math. Trying to figure things out by myself doesn’t help me that much.


Posted February 28, 2014 by eleegwater20 in category Uncategorized

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