God’s Preparation

I don’t really know how God has been preparing me for whats to come. I know that God had definitely opened my eyes as we were switching churches, and also when my best friends dad was near death in the 4th grade, but I don’t really know how God is going to use my gifts and these experiences to shape me and bring his kingdom here. I am excited to see how this all turns out, and maybe looking back in a couple of years, I will be able to see why these experiences and gifts have been so valuable and useful. But for now, all I can do is listen to what God is telling me and obey his calling.

Why is it important that we study Christian Persecution

Persecution is not just an issue to the past, there are thousands of persecuted Christians today. They have been beaten, imprisoned, and even killed for their faith. These people have stood up for their faith, and even risked their lives to have house churches, gather in private, and share the gospel with other people that don’t know about Christ’s love. We are lucky enough that we don’t really have to worry about that here in the United States, and I think that we all take that for granted. 

Ideal Church vs. Early Church

Our Ideal church and the Early church are very different. When we were creating our church, we realized that we focused a lot on how it looked, and what was inside, but what the church is really about is the people and the heart of the church. A couple of things that we wanted in our church were, free Starbucks, a couple of water slides, unlimited free breakfast bar and reclining movie seats. Were as the early church, they wanted to always be together, shared everything, had communion and gathered almost daily. This really made me think about how it doesn’t matter what a church looks like, it’s the heart of the church that matters.

Thoughts about Jesus’ Crucifixion

The fact that Jesus died is something I can’t even imagine. He new he would have to suffer through all of this pain and sorrow to save the whole world. He had all of the characteristics he wanted other people to have. He was the greatest example anyone could have. The fact that he humbled himself and suffered through all of this pain and sorrow to save the whole world, is so crazy.

God Sightings

This weekend I had the privilege to go to Hope College for the gathering. I saw God through the worship leaders there, they were all so welcoming. Several times that night they had told us that they were so happy that we were there. This experience was such a good experience for me, because I got to see a different church service than the one that I usually go to. This experience was an experience that I will remember for a long time.

Bible Exam





Slavery/SalvationBetter Worse Roller Coaster

Symbol of a Lamp stock-vector-family-tree-frames-empty-for-your-input-vector-illustration-89152666

Sinai Law images

Something is Rottenimages

Slide to Destruction


A Saviorimgres

New Addition Dedication

Today we are dedicating our rocks. That sounds really weird, but there is a new addition going in our school. And all of the kids at our school have written something on a rock, and today all of the kids are going to drop their rocks into a hole in the foundation, and our rocks are going to be apart of the foundation of the new section of the school. On my rock I desisted to write on one side, “I am the FOUNDATION of Crist’s KINGDOM!” And on the other side I wrote “Saved on the Cross.” That phrase is really cool to me and a phrase that I decided to put on my rock. This new addition will be done by the time that I go in to 8th grade. We will be the 100th class, and we get to be the first ones to use the new addition. I am so excited. I hope that this new school addition will be a blessing to not only the teachers and the employes that work here, but I hope that it will be a blessing to the new middle schoolers that use it. I can’t wait to see what happens in this new school building and I hope that it will bless Zeeland Cristian School for many many many years to come.

Los pies hermosos

Photo on 4-3-14 at 1.45 PM

Romanos 10: 15

15 ¿Y cómo van a contar el mensaje si no hay quien los envíe? Como está escrito: «¡Son tan hermosos los pies de los que anuncian las buenas noticias!»

En vacación de primavera no voy a ningún lugar, voy a quedar aquí. No voy a ningún lugar especial como Florida o Hawaii. Pero yo puedo ser los pies hermosos en Michigan. Yo voy a tratar a todos a mis amigos y amigas con mucha paciencia y amor. Yo voy a traer restauración a las vidas de mis amigas que están en situaciones muy difíciles. Este vacación de primavera, voy a tener pies hermosos.


¡Jesús a Resucitado!!

Juan 20:11-18

11pero María se quedó afuera, llorando junto al sepulcro. Mientras lloraba, se inclinó para mirar dentro del sepulcro, 12 y vio a dos ángeles vestidos de blanco, sentados donde había estado el cuerpo de Jesús, uno a la cabecera y otro a los pies. 13 —¿Por qué lloras, mujer? —le preguntaron los ángeles. —Es que se han llevado a mi Señor, y no sé dónde lo han puesto —les respondió. 14 Apenas dijo esto, volvió la mirada y allí vio a Jesús de pie, aunque no sabía que era él. 15 Jesús le dijo: —¿Por qué lloras, mujer? ¿A quién buscas? Ella, pensando que se trataba del que cuidaba el huerto, le dijo: —Señor, si usted se lo ha llevado, dígame dónde lo ha puesto, y yo iré por él. 16 —María —le dijo Jesús. Ella se volvió y exclamó: —¡Raboni! (que en arameo significa: Maestro). 17 —Suéltame, porque todavía no he vuelto al Padre. Ve más bien a mis hermanos y diles: “Vuelvo a mi Padre, que es Padre de ustedes; a mi Dios, que es Dios de ustedes.”18 María Magdalena fue a darles la noticia a los discípulos. «¡He visto al Señor!», exclamaba, y les contaba lo que él le había dicho.

Todos deben de saber del resurrección de Jesus porque si crees que el Señor Jesus murrio en la cruz para usted y por sus pecados, y crees que el resucito y a conquistado la muerte entonces vas a ser salvado! Es importante que Jesus murió y conquisto la muerte porque si el no lo ha hecho, no serramos salvados, y todavía hará un hueco con nosotros y Dios. Yo quiero comunicar a Dios y tener liberación para hablar con el. Si no hablas con él no vas a tener conexión intima con él.  Y si eres salvado y crees en el con su corazón entera VAS A IR AL CIELO!!