Descriptive Writing/theme writing.

Eli Schoonveld

Mrs. Roskamp


10 september 15

The globe card reminds me of the trip I took to Costa Rica this summer. I was not looking forward to getting up at 12:30 to get to school by one and when I got there I felt like there were bricks strapped to my feet. We flew up to the sky and the flight felt like a million years it felt so long. We got there and we were all super tired from a long day of flying we walked around the town and I felt like I was sleepwalking the whole hike because I was so tired. When we got to bed I fell asleep almost right as my head hit my pillow.

The ladder card reminds me of when I went mountain biking.

We got to Rockford the trails were a little intimidating because it was only my second or third time going and these trails were pretty rough. We went on the black trail first and we were going up and down the dirt trails I felt like I was faster than a cheetah and then we went up and then down and around a corner and up a ramp. We stopped for lunch which felt like a million bucks then we went back on the trails and did the next hardest one and it was just as hard with the same stuff twists and turns and hills and ramps.

The American flag reminds me of the time that I went to Utah with my parents. It was the longest drive of all time especially Iowa and Nebraska because it is all cornfields luckily I slept through Nebraska. We got there and my ears were popping so badly and I had to stuff my pillow into my face because it hurt so bad. We went to my uncle’s house and we slept there for a couple nights then we had to drive another four hours to his other house. We got there and we were surrounded by big yellow and red rocks that just popped out at you like a jack in the box.

Eli Schoonveld



16 September 2015

Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose and the wind blew and beat against his house; yet it did not fall, because it had his foundation on the rock.

Last May we went to leadership camp to choose our theme verse for the year.Our theme, “Built on the Rock”, means a lot to me as both an 8th grader at ZCS and as a Christian in the world.

I think that it is cool that we are the 8th graders in the 100th year of ZCS and it has its foundation on the Rock every time that I see this verse I remember when we all threw our rocks into the foundation of the new addition. It means we have to be rooted in our faith at school and be an example to the littler kids.When you are little and you think about 8th graders you are kind of like uh they are kind of scary but when you come to our school and look and most kids in our grade we are built on the Rock the everlasting foundation of God.     What it means to be a christian in this World. I think that being christ like and acting like christ is what it means to be a christian not saying that you have to be perfect because you are not and neither am I but just help someone if they need help. It means have a soft heart for everybody and love your enemies as yourself. My aunt and uncle are a perfect example for me. My uncle runs ironman’s for the fun and accomplishment but they do it for World Vision which helps kids in Africa get clean water and stuff like that and he raised 55 thousand dollars for those kids just for them. That it is great to have this theme and be a 8th grader and christian.I think that it is good to be an 8th grader at our school and 8th graders that have our foundation on the rock. To be a christian is everything you get to go to a christian school and you get to go to church.



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