God sightings

I learned something in church this week. Our pastor said something that hit me, He said “If all of the real christians gave 10% of their salary like they are supposed to do we would have 46,000,000,000 dollars which would allow us to end malaria and shelter 20,000 refugees in Africa and have 100,000 fresh water wells in Africa and end some desease and still have billions of dollars left to spare. It surprised me that that is all we had to do to end all of this bad stuff and that is what God says to do give 10% and that is all we have to do.

Thematic essay

Eli Schoonveld



26 October,2015

The name of this book is Running for my life and the author is Lopez Lomong. Summary of the book is Lopez is taken from his mom in a little sudanese tribe/city. He was taken to a camp to train to be soldiers. He escapes with 3 older boys and runs for 4 days straight with no food and no water they had to find water and food, they had no shoes or nothing. They got to a refugee camp in in I think in kenya where he was there,he woke up the next morning and the three boys that ran with him were gone so he called them his three angels. He was in the refugee camp for ten years where they lived in tents and their daily routine was run for two miles and then play soccer all day. When he was sixteen he came to the united states and got adopted. He eventually reunited with his mom in kimotong, Sudan.From this book I learned to trust God, lopez was a christian and trusted God through everything that happened in his journey

I learned to trust God when Lopez was running for his life. He was with his “Three angels” and had to survive through no food, no water and wildlife. Everytime he woke up he knew that God would take care of him, like one time he woke up right next to a king cobra and he didn’t get bit and that shows he trusted God. He trusted God that he would find water and he did there was a big leaf that was full of water and they drank it and that is what kept them alive, they killed an animal and ate it and that kept them alive so he was like 1 inch away from dying a lot of times but he trusted God and he lived.

I learned to trust God when Lopez was at the refugee camp. He had to trust that those men would not find him and when he had the chance to go to the U.S. that God would allow him to go. He had to trust God to allow him to write a good paper about why he should go to the United States.

I learned to trust God when he went to the United states and had to go to the family that adopted him. He had to trust that the family was not going to a bad and abusive family and had to trust that he would maybe see his family again. He had to trust that it would be a better home for him than at the refugee camp or in sudan.

From this book I learned to trust God, lopez was a christian and trusted God through everything that happened in his journey. This book was by far my favorite book, I read it in three days and it was like 400 pages so it was really good.

Descriptive Writing/theme writing.

Eli Schoonveld

Mrs. Roskamp


10 september 15

The globe card reminds me of the trip I took to Costa Rica this summer. I was not looking forward to getting up at 12:30 to get to school by one and when I got there I felt like there were bricks strapped to my feet. We flew up to the sky and the flight felt like a million years it felt so long. We got there and we were all super tired from a long day of flying we walked around the town and I felt like I was sleepwalking the whole hike because I was so tired. When we got to bed I fell asleep almost right as my head hit my pillow.

The ladder card reminds me of when I went mountain biking.

We got to Rockford the trails were a little intimidating because it was only my second or third time going and these trails were pretty rough. We went on the black trail first and we were going up and down the dirt trails I felt like I was faster than a cheetah and then we went up and then down and around a corner and up a ramp. We stopped for lunch which felt like a million bucks then we went back on the trails and did the next hardest one and it was just as hard with the same stuff twists and turns and hills and ramps.

The American flag reminds me of the time that I went to Utah with my parents. It was the longest drive of all time especially Iowa and Nebraska because it is all cornfields luckily I slept through Nebraska. We got there and my ears were popping so badly and I had to stuff my pillow into my face because it hurt so bad. We went to my uncle’s house and we slept there for a couple nights then we had to drive another four hours to his other house. We got there and we were surrounded by big yellow and red rocks that just popped out at you like a jack in the box.

Eli Schoonveld



16 September 2015

Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose and the wind blew and beat against his house; yet it did not fall, because it had his foundation on the rock.

Last May we went to leadership camp to choose our theme verse for the year.Our theme, “Built on the Rock”, means a lot to me as both an 8th grader at ZCS and as a Christian in the world.

I think that it is cool that we are the 8th graders in the 100th year of ZCS and it has its foundation on the Rock every time that I see this verse I remember when we all threw our rocks into the foundation of the new addition. It means we have to be rooted in our faith at school and be an example to the littler kids.When you are little and you think about 8th graders you are kind of like uh they are kind of scary but when you come to our school and look and most kids in our grade we are built on the Rock the everlasting foundation of God.     What it means to be a christian in this World. I think that being christ like and acting like christ is what it means to be a christian not saying that you have to be perfect because you are not and neither am I but just help someone if they need help. It means have a soft heart for everybody and love your enemies as yourself. My aunt and uncle are a perfect example for me. My uncle runs ironman’s for the fun and accomplishment but they do it for World Vision which helps kids in Africa get clean water and stuff like that and he raised 55 thousand dollars for those kids just for them. That it is great to have this theme and be a 8th grader and christian.I think that it is good to be an 8th grader at our school and 8th graders that have our foundation on the rock. To be a christian is everything you get to go to a christian school and you get to go to church.



New addition

The new addition is really cool. It is really nice and clean and the best part is that we have air conditioning.The rooms are very big and spacious and everything is very reachable. The drinking fountains are cold and the bathrooms are clean. The whiteboard tables are kind of cool and will be very useful in class.


Photo on 6-3-15 at 9.43 AM

¿Quienes somos?

  • ¿Que aprendí sobre las diferencias y similaridades de personas en el mundo?

Yo aprendí muchas cosas pero el más grande es que personas no tienen duchas calientes y unos no tienen duchas y que nosotros somos bendecidos con tener esas cosas pero también con tener Dios. Yo pienso eso es un similaridad si tienes Dios ya estás bendecido con lo que necesitas. Yo aprendi que hacer esos cosas es tan difícil y no se como hacen no tener duchas calientes o tener duchas,  no tener cobijas cuando duermes, no tener suficiente calorías al día para vivir y no tener casa bueno para vivir en.

  • ¿Como estoy conectado a los demas a traves de este tema?

Yo pienso que cuando yo consumo agua o energía eso da más agua o más energía a los personas que lo necesitan más que yo. Probablemente me ha conectado como esto, si yo compro una camisa o unos zapatos de Nike eso probablemente avanzara los sweatshops en Indonesia y probablemente daría más dinero a los familias que dependen en eso que solo reciben $1.00 al dia

¿Quien es El?

  • ¿Que me enseñó este tema de Dios—sus atributos y como se revela?

Esta lección me enseñó que todos estan bendecidos con diferentes cosas pero si tienes Dios eso es el bendicion mas grande que tienes y si das lo que tienes a el, el va a bendecirte.

  • ¿Que significa seguir a Jesus con respecto a este tema?

Yo creo que seguir a Jesus con este tema significa no usar todo lo que tienes pero usar lo que necesitas y compartir lo que no necesitas porque eso es lo que Jesus haría y estas ayudando a alguien que probablemente lo necesita más que ti, y probablemente no pero todavía es amable compartir lo que tienes.

¿Quien soy yo?

  • ¿Como me ha afectado esta tema?

Este tema me ha afectado en solo pensar en las personas que no tienen duchas calientes o no tienen cobijas y para orar por ellos porque eso es la cosa que nosotros podemos hacer por ellos es orar y pedir a Dios hacer un milagro en sus vidas.

  • ¿Como me ha cambiado a través de lo que aprendí?

Despues de hacer todo esto con el consumo y tomar duchas frías y más pequeños yo estoy tratando de tomar duchas más pequeños para consumir el agua para los personas que lo necesitan.


Llamada a la acción.

  • ¿Qué es tu papel en la comunidad internacional con respecto a este tema?

Yo creo que mi papel en la comunidad internacional es usar lo mínimo energía posible en mi vida diaria para dar lo que no uso a los personas que necesitan más que yo. Pienso que Dios nos llama a ayudar a los personas pobres pero no solo ellos pero los personas que no son pobres tampoco.

  • ¿Cuáles resultados tangibles estarán presentes en tu vida, basados en estas respuestas?

Yo pienso que solo esta en mi mente ahora como no gastes el agua y no gastes energía como cuando estoy lavando platos apagues el agua cuando no estás lavando los platos.

La Union Africana

¿Que hiciste?

Tu país: Mi país fue Cameroon fui con Emily y nosotros no realmente pudimos hacer mucho por lo que esta pasando en Burundi porque no tenemos muchos recursos que podemos darles como no vamos a darles dinero porque nosotros necesitamos eso también entonces no podíamos hacer muchas cosas.

La historia en Burundi es muy complicada y muy malo. El presidente de Burundi Pierre Nkurunziza y él quiere ser presidente por un plazo más. Las reglas obviamente dicen que sólo puedes ser presidente por dos plazos. La corte suprema tiene 7 personas y 6 dicen que es bueno tener un 3 plazo y uno dice que no es bueno y dice que no entonces él se huyó por susto de que el presidente le iba a hacer daño.

Las protestas empezaron corto después de que presidente Nkurunziza dijo que quería 3 plazo y no es protesta de paz como Nelson Mandela es como violenta y 20 han muerto por causo de los protestos que han pasado en los pasados meces.

Ahora en Burundi no es una guerra que es bueno, pero si hay tensión porque el presidente quiere seguir en poder y muchos Tutsis tienen problema con eso porque piensan que debe ser una elección nuevo porque dice en las leyes que solo puedes tener 2 términos. Algunas de las Hutus piensan que debe ser nueva elección pero muchos quieren que él sea presidente porque es Hutu entonces pone mucho tensión porque si tienes un Hutu que quiere que él sea presidente y tienes un Tutsi que no quiere que él sea presidente eso puede formar malas cosas.

Pensamos que la Unión Africana debe ayudar a los personas en Burundi porque ellos son muy pobres.Los Tutsis y Hutus deben ser amigos y ayudar a los refugiados y deben parar todo la violencia después del elección.

El Proceso: El proceso fue muy fácil. Primero hablamos sobre lo que encontramos en nuestro investigación y luego fuimos a otros países a ver si ellos querían juntar con nuestra solución para poder tener mas votos cuando fue tiempo del elección. Hicimos eso 2 veces y después las personas que querían vinieron al frente para decir su solución una vez mas a los delegados y después era tiempo para votar.

¿Que aprendiste?

La cosa que aprendí mas fue que los debatos pueden ser tan intenso como las personas estaban gritando y cosas como eso solo me sorprendió. La union Africana yo aprendi que habia una union Africana por uno pero tambien aprendi que ellos están todos unidos y que quieren ayudar a ellos.