The Ratification of the Constitution – 3 INTERESTING FACTS

1. One thing I learned, was that the Congress was very angry when the delegates first submitted, and turned in their plan of government. They didn’t think that they would have enough power over the states. But, as you can see that the plan was accepted and is now the plan of government we use now.

2. One thing that really annoyed the states at first was the distribution of authority. Many of the states thought it unfair that the Central government (National government) had so much power. They thought that the government had been given too much authority over them.

3. It usually took the delegates, and government close to a year to convince at least 9 states to do what pointed towards what they thought was a better set-up.


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4 Responses to The Ratification of the Constitution – 3 INTERESTING FACTS

  1. eschoonveld20 says:

    Good job Ethan (:(:(:(:

  2. adehoek says:


    Great post. I can’t imagine waiting around that long for something to come to fruition, however, it seems it was worth the wait.

    Maestra 🙂

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